Charity dinner last night
No pics yet! :P
Lazy to get the camera, boohoo.
Reached Sunway Hotel.... late. Made sure that everyone had to down 1 can of beer before we left. Ohhh I couldn't even recognize anyone when I first entered, everyone all dolled up heehee. So our table was like way infront. Owhh look pardeep just woke up (: Unlike me, came back home arnd 6am and woke up at 11am :D
Dance floor was fun, dancing with my classmates. Muacks! Band and the songs were awesome. Off to never never land ~ !!
Left charity dinner arnd 11pm. Went to boiler room, 2bottles chivas.
Erm edit later, finally they woke up. Gonna go for brekkie, noo, lunch!
So yeah, me, sam & jay were walking out of the dance floor. Then this freaky girl stands in our way. So she lets jay pass her, then lets sam pass her, and when I wanted to pass her, she blocks MY way. So I moved to the right, and she moves to the right as well. Then she actually fcuking touched my hand and starts dancing infront of me. WTFFFF. Wanted to slap her but she's drunk so I just went err okay, pushed her to the side and walked away. The whole night she was giving all of us like death stares.
Me: I think she wants to battle me... LOL
Sam: Go battle laaa !
Me: Omg I don't want any trouble with a drunk person la, you go fight my battle for me la
So since we were in our charity dinner outfits, we forced Pardeep to drive us back to Sam's house for both of us to change. Now we were ready to dance. And off goes Sam to fight for me. So the whole night was me, Sam & jay dancing in the glass podium, me & Jay watching Sam dance with the crazy girl, Pardeep getting hell drunk, and then Sam devised a plan to go on the freaking table and dance there.
According to Jay we down-ed about 20 cups plus, didn't even realize. Went to the mamak after that and talked cock. Hahhh funny :P
Why type when there's pics? Later laa! Malaysian power !
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Charity dinnner
Posted by katherine at 12:57 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
You doofus, how can you miss me when you're always in my heart
I'M ALIVE!She felt a touch on her hand and she embraced the hand that touched hers lovingly. He scooted over to hug her from the back. His warm lips touched the skin of her neck and slowly found his way up to her ears, and he whispered 'I'd do anything for you'.
Just a little something from the English essay I wrote. FYI, the guy dies.
She reminisced, alot. To the times when she was happy, to the times when he was still in her life. She didn't knew that he meant it. That he would take a bullet for her. That it wasn't just an expression. That he would do anything for her.
You figure it out (:
Everyone is like scolding me, and I'm scolding myself too okay! For not blogging. But I was a hell of a damn good girl, studying 2weeks before exam and throughout as well. Tomorrow is the last paper then its holidays! Great way to kick it off is with Charity Dinner this Saturday. *reminds to upload ALL pics since last post.. which is alot*
Erm what to write? Ahh yes current level on ROSE online (yeah, I can't count the many times I've started this game since few years ago) 47. Yeah, little fact. I started the same time I started studying. And here and there during exams as well. Hahaha bad time to start right? Omygod gotta reach lvl 50 by 2mrw night to freaking drive.
So my holiday resolutions, one of them is to blog FREQUENTLY. Not when I just go out(which might be everyday ><) but also when I'm just a loser at home :O
basically, I'm OFF like superman.. with the cape and underwear inside out. teehee~
Posted by katherine at 11:11 PM 0 comments