Last night was cramming away for the o levels entrance exam today. I was freaking out to everyone who talked to me, sorry everyone [: This morning freaking out even more infront of everyone.
Went to school around 7.30am, met them in their class, sucelia and esther teaching me some more stuff about maths. And tiffany, ashley and safia were supposed to be the ones to teach me, where were they? Two in the toilet and safia was latee! Said hi to everyone i saw and told them to wish me luck! Had to borrow calculators, pencils, etc cause i left my pencil box in australia. Funny thing happened, dont think the teachers care what we do in sri kl? Cause i was outside ashley and zhi lynn's class saying bye. Then kellie, sher-maine and all one by one came out while the teacher was in the class, they just went outside the class to say bye to me and i was like ' doesnt ur teacher care? ' . lols. Wanna be in that class, pure science but think its full, guess its sub for me but im just kinda blurr abt the difference in subjects for both. Safia and Shawn's in sub science! I just found out today, lol.
Came back at 3.30pm. Haihh, really hope tiffany and sucelia can go for the quicksilver revolution 2mrw. I gotta go to pyramid aso, im damn blurr with the plans for 2mrw now.
Ciaoo people.

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