Just blogged in
my old blog;
Go check it out if you love me or you're bored.
If only he wasn't like that, If only he was more like that, If only he cared, If only he didn't care, If only he didn't do those things, If only he did do those things, If only he didn't think that way, or thought about IT that way. If only she wasn't like that, If only she was more like that, If only she cared, If only she didn't care, If only she didn't do those things, If only she did do those things, If only she didn't think that way, or thought about IT that way.
If only I wasn't MYSELF.
Might as well just you know, stop right?
To all the people that DIDN'T have to ask those questions.
You might as well have been 68years old. Cause congratulations, you've found HIM/HER.
Just a little quote for you guys.
Now, for me.
I did love you. Everything we said was between you and me right?
I keep thinking that everyone thinks I'm the bad guy, but it doesn't really matter actually, I just hope you didn't think that. There was no way I could express that night to my friends, to anyone. Speechless. All I can do is stop, get sad, but then smile at all the memories.
They just wouldn't get it, and I don't feel like taking the time to attempt to explain it cause its actually one of those things that doesn't need to be heard or understood by anyone but us, don't need proof cause I saw it through my eyes.
God I don't even know how to rant subtle, cause I just don't know how to. Just to keep me sane again. No one can ever understand me.
I'll never forget you. AA.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I know deep down it's what they both would have wanted, fcuk.
Posted by katherine at 2:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Thanks for the memories
Just cause I got nothing else to blog about.
Or is it cause I do have something, just that I don't want to?
Maybe its cause I can't.
Omg I'm sorry Tiff, I just cant find any goddamn pics that I look good in with you =.= And you guys sooo ditched me in genting ):
So yeah, that's me and qiqi(audrey) in Genting! This is when WE ditched them. Hahaha (:
I love my besties, lalalalalalalalalalalalalala
Posted by katherine at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
The tatoo's, the piercings and the cuts that prove it. Stop disguising yourself, cause i love you for you
Posted by katherine at 2:02 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Just let me get through it cause im sick of it
Pics from the 4 Theta and Sigma educational trip to Batu Gelap at Batu Caves, yeah intstead of finishing the many many staircases, turn left into a cave. Excuse us for looking horrid, it aint really a fashion show when you're walking into a place full of shit, literally!
There was crawling in guano(bat poop), climbing, fascination, laughter, screams, crying(me & zhilynn no cry! high five!) and yeah, guess I had a good time. It was a good experience and I got the chance to test my skills in these kind of situations. Proud of the result. Still amazed at how we all could fit and work through all the small openings.
Katherine is the First girl and first girl from Theta to crawl on guano into a very very small cave.
Zhilynn is the Second girl and first girl from Sigma to crawl on guano into a very small cave.
Kinda stressed for final exams right now. Started on Wednesday with Bm, yday Accounts and today English. So far so good, fcuked all of em up. I keep saying I have to study but in the end I do something else. And it's not even something WORTH not studying like going out or atleast watching tv. I'm just reading other people's blogs, other people's pics, and other people's stuff. Yeah, I'm not even wasting my time studying updating MY own blog but doing other stupid shit. I'm just hoping writing this down would scare me into studying but look its 1.30am already. Should I wake up early 2mrw and study or study now and wake up late 2mrw? Now I'm just ranting to myself.
I really hate IGCSE final exam timetable, everything is like PACKED UP. It's all great that we have deepavali holidays between exams but what the hecks the point when there's really nothing left to study for AFTER that 3 day break? And the sad part is that everything hard is all before the holidays, why couldn't it be after holidays so that we would have MORE time to study? And the fact that we have Physics, Chem, Bio and Maths on the same day really screws everything up.
Oh, Form 5's are graduating today! Weird thing is, after graduation they gotta come back to school to prepare for SPM or O LEVELS. Isn't that just a little sad? Thought the whole point for the graduation nights is to scream, think and say constantly 'hell yeah no more stupid school with stupid uniforms with stupid teachers and 8hours teaching non stop'. And then, monday you're back to where you started. Shit, is this going to happen to me and all my friends next year? That would... suck? And apparently there's no after party tonight? That will so not happen at my graduation, everyone party at my house next year aite!
"However" is just a fancy "but."
Posted by katherine at 12:59 AM 0 comments