Damn stressed man this whole week, same thing everyday. Come back from school, take nap 2, 3 hours, straitaway do homework, study, when finally done, sleep, which is around 3am.. everyday.
Erm, im gonna do something i dont quite normally do... Yes, im gonna rant about my feelings in my blog like a whiner, but i just cant take it anymore....
Cried today at school, yea i know you dont hear that often. I bet outside all of them were like comforting me but inside laughing like shit right! Haha, cause they never see me cry in school b4. I dunnoe why i cry la, cause of the addmaths test. Everyone know's usually i wont cry just cause of a fugly test, i also feel ashamed.. turning into ___ they all, lols. Guess cause, haihh ever since came back to study in msia, its just been really stress. Everyday i have work to do and study cause of all the quizzes lately. Missed out on one months work okay, and i had to study and learn the chapters i missed out all by myself with very little guidance, some subjects no guidance at all. Addmath was one of those subs and i studied by myself really hard, well atleast i tried. Ofcourse i was scared for the exam but i thought i could do it but in the end i couldnt. I also feel like a total failure, if i tried really hard to study and i got bad results, then i should just probably stop trying the rest of the two years rite?
And I realized myself that maybe that wasn't the only reason why i cried... believe it or not ( i know its quite hard to believe abt the school stress thing already, to those that know me) but im also having other problems... I just feel im not as close as i was with her anymore, when i tried to make an effort instead i got the opposite result. With her and him too, cant stand to be in the same room anymore. Is this the part of our lives where we start to become distant? Im scared to think it, but i think so. And other problems also, i know it doesnt directly has anything to do with me but you guys are my friends, and yea so i guess it has something to do with me right? Im getting sick of it.
And stupid crap also happened last night. So i cried last night becuz of it. But, haih lately everynight also i cry, for no apparent reason at that time, in my room i just start crying or i have this weird feeling in my stomach. Soi guess, in school at that time knowing that im going to fail that exam and plus i feel like a total failure, it added up more to my problems and i just kinda cracked..
I aint gonna be sorry for whining on my blog, hey its my blog, i can do watever i want with it. yeesh why am i scolding you, grr fuck man. Was screaming the whole time before i cried in business studies, haih where's my jacket? I wanna scream again.
ANIWAYS, gong out with tiffany, sucelia and esther tomorrow to pyramid. Gonna watch Step Up 2!! HOT. But im low on cash, i asked my mom if she could start me on allowance cause she say i spend too much of her money -.- But finally its the bloody weekend. Las night didnt relax AT ALL. Cause there was stupid school on saturday then the remaining weekend strictly was doing work! Finally the stupid exams finish for now and i can relax for abit.
To some people- dont assume im regretting coming back to study in malaysia, really, i prefer it more than perth okay. I was already expecting to work hard to catch up okay, so dont go assuming im regretting. I dont for one sec.
To the ppl who cared, thanks for reading. Guess i appreciate it (:
Friday, February 29, 2008
Stressed out.
Posted by katherine at 8:44 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Your rose was dying, but then <3
yeee had to go to school on a saturday *blekk* somemore i came for nothing, i dont care about the bm exam, only came cuz scared the teachers would teach and scared i missed out. But did nothing the whole day till the exam. Should have brought my ipod or twilight :/
Then most of the class read their oral assignment any-topic discussion essay thingy. Grr i did mine okay, like on tuesday night eventhough i was sick cause it was due on wednesday. Mine's cool okay! Wrote about like there was something in my house the whole day but the reader just doesnt know what it is and in the end it was actually just a cockroach xD Hey im proud of it la. But then the teacher dowan accept it! She said she doesnt wan stories, she wants discussion topics, wtf say in the first place la, she was the one that kept saying 'anyyyy topic' ... -.- So in conclusion, i havent done the essay yet. Not even sure what's the topic. Maybe talk about fast food or something? Sounds boring but im going to make it kick-ass.
So after school today, jack met me at the backgate and we walked to peppercorn to eat. And after we finish eat, he told me to wait here for awhile cause he wanna get something and he just walked out of the restaurant and then he came back with a rose. XD Cause he knew the one he gave me on valentines day ermm died. Aniways it was sweet of him :D Drank bubbletea also and walked back home, then went to cut hair.
Arrrghh his hair soo short! Eww, yerr have to wait for a month to grow back T.T Why he cut so short when i told him not to cut so short, summore he say he wanted to cut shorter o.o Haihyo, mines also shorter.. but atleast its nice(: Will try to take pic of it and the rose, hopefully it doesnt die by the time i take the pic :x
And i didnt finish my bm exam. Guess i dont really care, but i'll still get sad if i fail. Dont worry la, wont cry unlike all those other people ;D
Posted by katherine at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Stress much?
18 february was Tija's birthday! happy birthday!! (: no pics but the heart-shaped cake was yummy, and i loved kellie's cupcakes! Cake fight >;D Esther wasn't there cause of duty again, but dont worry not much people also =X Sing bday song damn soft okay, no one in the cantin know aso we sing ;D
Haihh then after i came back from school on monday i got sick :/ Planned on coming on tuesday and not coming on wed since got sports practice, but when i looked at my timetable in school first period, tuesday no important subs while wednesday got. So i called my mommy pick me up so that i can rest and go school tomorrow after sports practice. But urghh i still feel sick and i got loads of work to do, should i still go to school? What if i get more sick? Haihh, i'll try to come people. Damn addmath, math and acocunts tomorrow, if not i'll be sleeping.
Nights darls, hope i get better.
Posted by katherine at 1:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sing it baby
Stayed back after school today, went to mcdonalds with esther, ashley and the two gays, joon jern and samuel, lol. Talked abt stuff. They all ate except me, well nuggets only. Ran back to school cause of ashley. Haih in the morning run to school, then walk to mcD, run back to school, walk back home, took a 2 hour nap then walk my dog. better lose atleast some fats wei. Also bought rm5 silicone cover for my phone, its okay i guess. I really had to buy that type cause i keep breaking the hard cover ones.
Nothing much to blog ler, wah first time so far.
AWWW my baby sings in his sleep!! He hums but still counts as singing right? ubercute :D
Gonna watch him sleep and when i get bored imma wake him up, yes, stalker and evil.
Posted by katherine at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Feb 14 08 was FAB(:
13 feb
Went to cheryll's party, erm i was really late, reach there aroun 8 i think and went back at 10. Got to catch up with esther, bianca, kellie, madeline and sri mega. hope i spelled right. got lion dance, i was too lazy to get up n go see them, whatever la, just knew that it was really long and really loud.14 feb
VALENTINES DAY! xD Was so excited, cause it was my first valentines day with someone *ahem ahem*. At school was fun too, received lots of pressies! xDDrose, note with an attempted surprise: jack
baked with love cookies: tiffany
sweets in a bag: madeline
envelope sealed with a kiss;lipgloss: ashley
hand-made scented candles and lil bouquet of flowers: kellie
hot heart shaped lollipop: esther
Haha, jack and qi tried to surprise me but failed. They reach back home maybe 5 or 10mins earlier than me. When i reach home i saw their school shoes outside. I went in and said hi to my mom, then i saw green trousers running upstairs. Went into my room and my toilet door was locked. I went outside then they both pop out from infront and behind. They wanted to leave the rose and note on my bed and leave. it would have been SO nice if their plan worked! Cause the note said hope i liked the gift he left me and cant wait to see me later. Zzz then i'll be like, i cant wait to see him! But still sweet though[:
thanks everyone! you're all hot ;)
When we left the restaurant, we saw balloons at the counter so jack asked if we could take one and they said yea so i was walking in pyramid dressed up, color coordinated and with a big heart balloon.
I'm just craving for attention, aren't I? (;
Aniways so after walking around spotting lala's, that day was counting lala's in striped shirt, we went to haagen dazs, dunnoe wether spell correctly cause i dont really eat them. Waiting like effing long for the bloody chocolate fountain. It was nice but not worth waiting 1hour+, think 1 and a half hour =.=

Posted by katherine at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Happy Chinese New Year
Yesterday went to jing yu's house for chinese new year party! I was the last to come (not suprisingly) and first to leave (suprisingly). Played blackjack and in-between. Apparently i had really goodluck. The first two games i had blackjack, lol. Then omggg, wouldn't believe how much money i won from in-between, one shot! I got a King and an Ace xD Was the last person and tiffany was before me. The pot was like rm50+ adi, and everyone told tiffany to bet high cause didnt want me to win -.- She bet rm20 and then she had to pay double! $.$ Whoaa rm93 now wei.
bet all, bet everything!
eh, but if she kena double, have to pay rm186 u noe!
whoa, okla rm50 okay?
err.. err..
hurry hurry!
aiya, okla
BUAHAHAHAHA, rm93 come to momma xDD thankgod i didnt say rm50 (: But i felt bad okay, everyone made me feel bad, cause i took their money and rm40 tiffany's summore. And jing yu lost rm50! Aiyo, i wanted to belanja. aiyo everyone go bubbletea okay! Watched saw, the first movie i guess. Err didnt watch the whole thing but okay i guess.After ther party, went to pyramid with jack, qi and their mom. Ate subways. Splitted up with jack, damn we were acting like little kids the whole time. Stare stare la xD
Today did lou sang in school, thanks cheryll! Sher-maine's one is 2mrww. Tomorrow cheryll's chinese new year party.
made reservations in jack's place, haha xD i cant wait for valentines day [: thursday thursday!
Posted by katherine at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 8, 2008
Happy birthday's
Went to school around 10am, skipped sports practice. Didnt wanna go to school but i went aniways cause of ashley. Even though the whole day was just 'decorating the class'.
So, celebrated ashleys birthday today eventhough her bday was yeesterday! Ate cake at lunchtime in the cantin, yummy yummy. Haih, esther couldnt join us cause got responsibilities of a prefect -.- But they did have a cake fight without me! Assholes! Zzz, Ashley, happy birthday again biatch ;]

Wednesday no school, till next tuesday(: Been hanging out with my baby. Yesterday started playing online game together, trickster =D In my room, im using the laptop on my bed and him using the computer. Damn fun la :D
*what? what u laughing at?*
*okok, watch what happens when i use my dodge skill thingy*
-moves my character next to his-
-comes onto bed and make out-
ohhyeaa xD Lastnight went to oneutama to eat with him, qi and their family. Qi's friend came along too, stephanie. We and her cousin walked around looking for pepperspray for me. What, now everyday walking back and forth from school mah. EAT PEPPERSPRAY RAPISTS (: Didnt get it though, alot of places dun even noe what it is. Qi and me walks into 7eleven ah.
*Excuse me, do u have pepperspray?*
*For what?*
And we wonder why so many cases in malaysia -.- So far only found one, but it was rm40. So i sitll need to look around if not i'll buy it. And i finally bought my book, twilight! Everywhere aso dun have but oneutama got. Yaysss. Gonna start reading it tonight. Haihh jack just left for singapore, saddens ]: Coming back on sunday i guess.

Posted by katherine at 10:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
Jack slept over. Woke up n we both went to peppercorn to eat, which is nearby sri kl. Food was deelish, he was eating there ever since he was 5+. Then went to school to buy my books, everyone was having sports practice so couldnt see them. Only got bio, physics and business studies books. The rest haven't bought yet and no stock. Walked back home and went swimmingggg! I luv our pics!! There's more but basically the same, lol.
At night went to carrefour to eat sushi with jack, qi and their mom. Also bought my school shoes. Went back home to get ready for my 1st day of school!
First day of school was okay. Everyone, well other then the new students were suprised to see me in uniform >< style="font-weight: bold;">Saturday and Sunday,
Erm i blanked out o.o Hanged out with Jack and Qiqi lor! hehe.
2nd day of school, quite good actually. =D Ate alot of mcD after school with jack and qi, cannot eat dinner anymore =x Owh i dunnoe what house im in, red again or what? Haihh dunoe wether i shud go to sports practice 2mrw cuz i dunnoe wat hse aso. Figure it out tonight la. Owhh Ashley's birthday was today!!
kay gotta read up on chap 1 and 2 of business studies which i have never learnt before n i gotta do it all by myself and do it tonight since there's an exam on it tomorrow and the teacher doesnt even know im a new student!
Posted by katherine at 8:38 PM 0 comments