Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Stress much?

18 february was Tija's birthday! happy birthday!! (: no pics but the heart-shaped cake was yummy, and i loved kellie's cupcakes! Cake fight >;D Esther wasn't there cause of duty again, but dont worry not much people also =X Sing bday song damn soft okay, no one in the cantin know aso we sing ;D

Haihh then after i came back from school on monday i got sick :/ Planned on coming on tuesday and not coming on wed since got sports practice, but when i looked at my timetable in school first period, tuesday no important subs while wednesday got. So i called my mommy pick me up so that i can rest and go school tomorrow after sports practice. But urghh i still feel sick and i got loads of work to do, should i still go to school? What if i get more sick? Haihh, i'll try to come people. Damn addmath, math and acocunts tomorrow, if not i'll be sleeping.

Nights darls, hope i get better.