Went to school around 10am, skipped sports practice. Didnt wanna go to school but i went aniways cause of ashley. Even though the whole day was just 'decorating the class'.
So, celebrated ashleys birthday today eventhough her bday was yeesterday! Ate cake at lunchtime in the cantin, yummy yummy. Haih, esther couldnt join us cause got responsibilities of a prefect -.- But they did have a cake fight without me! Assholes! Zzz, Ashley, happy birthday again biatch ;]

Wednesday no school, till next tuesday(: Been hanging out with my baby. Yesterday started playing online game together, trickster =D In my room, im using the laptop on my bed and him using the computer. Damn fun la :D
*what? what u laughing at?*
*okok, watch what happens when i use my dodge skill thingy*
-moves my character next to his-
-comes onto bed and make out-
ohhyeaa xD Lastnight went to oneutama to eat with him, qi and their family. Qi's friend came along too, stephanie. We and her cousin walked around looking for pepperspray for me. What, now everyday walking back and forth from school mah. EAT PEPPERSPRAY RAPISTS (: Didnt get it though, alot of places dun even noe what it is. Qi and me walks into 7eleven ah.
*Excuse me, do u have pepperspray?*
*For what?*
And we wonder why so many cases in malaysia -.- So far only found one, but it was rm40. So i sitll need to look around if not i'll buy it. And i finally bought my book, twilight! Everywhere aso dun have but oneutama got. Yaysss. Gonna start reading it tonight. Haihh jack just left for singapore, saddens ]: Coming back on sunday i guess.

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