HARO ppl! Eventhough Hari Raya starts on Wednesday, thankgod my school gave us holiday starting today, UNLIKE qiqi's school. kekekeke.
OhYES Jing Yu's party? Was quite fun :D
FOOD AWESOME. I tapau balik ALOT of pasta(though auntie would just give me a small plastic bag but she got a huge one), marshmallows, hello panda, rocky, currypuff and choc cupcakes.
I arrived with Esther, she picked me up. Then we found random ppl we don't know and Joon Jern sitting all alone on the couch. OhMyGod, everyone dressed soo, simple, and us 3 wore sooo, not simple o.o Esther and me wore DRESSES. The only reason I wore was cause Tiff and Her were wearing, Esther said the exact same thing. THANKGOD I didn't buy a dress specifically for that day, borrowed my mom's. And Esther curled her hair really nice cause night before had Prefect's dinner and I highlighted my hair(instant gel) cause I wanted to try it out. It was really shiny, lol.
So then started Esther, Katherine, Joon Jern time. Although Jj told me if a certain someone went away it would be Esther JoonJern time =.= Thanks for hitting him the whole night Esther =.=
After talking about iduntnoeicantremember shit at the couch, we 3 joined the random idontknow ppl from other schools to eat. Whoa, props to Jing Yu man. She decorated the house with alot of nice i think customized baloons. Apparently cause over rm100. Along with a HUGE baloon shaped like a 16. GOD I LOVE BALOONS T-T And every table had a really nice glass filled with rocky and hellopanda! Yummy. Stole another glass, heheeheee.
Tiffany finally came halfway eating. Wearing her red lollipop candycane dress. Awww like a christmas present. xD Then Zhi Lynn arrived also, I like her skirt. 0.0 Reminds me of chinese new year! And she do her hair so nice but after that she take out. We then went to watch a movie, The Eye 3. I didn't even know there was a 3rd one, I only watched the 1st and 2nd. I didn't really pay attention. Whole time I was just trying to make everyone (especially ZhiLynn and Esther) scream their heads off at the scary parts then laughing at them.
Throughout the movie doing that, and going in and out of the room. Helped them play and pause the music for one game I did not wanna play. Had to put a stuffed bear in the middle of two ppl and keep dancing.
After that took alot of group pics. And sang JingYu her bday song and had cake. Omg i love her candles, when u light them it will have sparks o.o soo coool. Ate cake and went back home with Esther cause she's my transport back.
And last night, Azu finally took Qiqi out for ice-cream. Lol, we watched 21 together then drove us to McD. Had McFlurry's. Just glad that Azu finally got to meet with Qiqi. =D
Omg omg, my heart like MELTING noww, not gonna tell you whyy =DD
But someone reading this in the future might probaly noe.I won't hesitate,
no more no more,
it cannot wait,
I'm Yours.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Can you keep a secret?
Posted by katherine at 9:23 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
So me, my brother and my mom just celebrated her birthday by going for dinner at Meaty House in Taipan.
The uncle there treat you damn nice, will recommend you this this this. 3 of us all shared:
pork knuckle, pork belly, bbq ribs, bacon.
They ordered 4 dishes, I wanted one more dish but they didn't want, in the end they still hungry(toldya!), so we got the bacon. Then each got a REALLY tall glass of beer. And after we ate we bought back each of all the frozen meat and the uncle taught us how to cook it and everything. The place is not that empty and not crowded, so feels very homey and comfortable. The only bad thing, there's no nice deserts. Just the usual vanila, choc and strawberry ice-cream. Told the uncle to better get some fudge brownies cause I was seriously craving for some after we ate.
Owh night before went Pyramid with Azu to try find mommy's birthday gift but couldn't find anything ): He didn't have his car so I can't believe it, my mommy happily let Azu drive her car. Aww summore it's literally his dream car before we bought it, right down to the color, black. So after Pyramid went to shisha at Hartama's and hang out with his friend and his girlfriend. Drove back home and waited for my mom to come back so that could send him home, to wish her happy birthday too. Then we found out that he and Stephanie were at the same high school summore same age. He kept on saying that there's only one Stephanie in his form and after looking at his yearbook turns out that is my cousin! Haihh, I wanna see the yearbook but he keeps forgetting to bring it -.-
Today played Dekaron at FTZ with Aaron and Azu, sit there for 4hours butt pain adi la. Mommy's car again, lol. Then we went to pick Nadine up to have dinner at Kayu. I ate their huge ass roti tisu, lol.
School tomorroww, ahhhhchhewwwww *random*(from ages ago) ((not really ages ago))
I wanna shalalalala *chachacha* shalala in the morniiinnnngggg
whoaaa ohh ohhh
Posted by katherine at 1:55 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Me, a wedding cake, flavoured smoke and mannequins.
Went for my cousin shaun's wedding on Saturday. Was very similiar to the other wedding I went with Qiqi and Jack. Even the chocolates! Except this one wasn't in hearts. Once again, I love my nephew and nieces ((((:
First thing they said to me when I got to the table was AUNTIE KATHERINE . And all my relatives laughed =.= I keep telling them to just call me Katherine.
Then when they saw me drinking beer the whole night they were all WHOAA after that you become all *imitates drunk person* HAhhaHAHAhahaha and then you don't know what you doing! Well, I'm surprised at so young they know that beer makes you drunk and how they act. Don't worry, I notified them that if you KNOW how to drink, then you're okay. What, I didn't want them thinking I was irresponsible! And at one point, *dududududu* mommy to the rescue!
adorables: Ehhh how come Auntie Katherine can drink!??!
hero: Because she's an AUNTIE so she can drink lor!
After that my nieces called me by my name. I got my nephew to do so by saying that if he doesn't call me by my name, I would tell everyone he has a girlfriend >;D
So the whole night I was just playing, talking and taking pictures with my adorables. Food was goood! And apparently now my auntie, uncle and cousins know about me and Azuan. Mooooooom!!! =.=
Then we went outside for awhile, talked with my mom and cousins about going clubbing together, Euphoria 8D Lol, since my mom is turning the big 50 this saturday. Then they were asking about how I could get in. I said PLEAASE la, look at me, so TALL. Majority of Asia thinks I'm few years older than my true age. And that's BEFORE I dress up. Then I said that now I dress like a little kid(cause I wasn't dressed up so nice la), you haven't seen me dress up yet! Then my mommy say 'what little kid? I can almost see your boobs already still say little kid'. T-T
Kept asking my mom if the wedding cake was real or not, so we had a plan. We told the adorables to go run up to the stage and check. And they did xD I took pics! Then my mommy also went, she touched it with her finger, ran up to me then she smeared me with invisible cake. But I didn't know if it was real or not so I screamed =.= After that I went up to check too. Yam Seng, lol competition time. We cheated, muahahaa. But not as much as the other tables. I beat my cousin Nicky! LOL non-smoker can shout longer than smoker la, sorry (: Owhyea he's a playboy! (;
Omg there were so much more pics here, but it just, diasappeared? fcuk -.-

Was kinda stoned after that, didn't feel high though, just... stoned? LOL Got back home at 2.30pm and straightaway played Dekaron till 3 or 4.
Sunday woke up to go Bangsar with Nadine and Abigail. Where the fcuk was Safia? Getting ready but took so long no point of her coming anymore =.= Went Bangsar Village but blardy expensive so we went to All the boutiques on the streets. OMG THE STAIRS. Bought this sexy fantastic super awesome one of a kind top!! I'll try take pic. I was tied down between an awesome purple dress from CatsWhiskers but in the end bought the top. Gahh I think I'll go back to CatsWhiskers this friday with Esther and Tif and ask for their opinion and maybe buy it with my mom.
KFC, the place I want to be! Going to eat fast food in my hse for the first time in a really long time! Seriously o.o
Yayy tomorrow no school! OWHH I started studying yesterday. Chem and Accounts. Proud proud proud 8D
Posted by katherine at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
UberProudOf Me Myself And I
gave up hanging out
and shopping with Esther and Tiff after school
stay back for AddMaths extra class!
heehee :D
Yeaa, last week I overslept and didn't go to school 2 times. So I missed addmaths and I couldn't do the work. So eventhough the girls and other girls (lol) were brainwashing me into not going, and there would be NO one to teman me in the class so I was alone with my classmates, I still went ^^ . I was quite proud of the fact that eventhough they ajak me, which usually always works, I still didn't go with them and stayed back. Lalalalalalalalalalaaaaaa~
Shaegan accompanied me on the walk back home after the extra class. He bought me a lollipop !! My fave, strawberry lollipop! (Eventhough I hate strawberries) It's gotta be the dark one, not the light one! Haihh, I miss my lollipop, why did I suck eat it so fast! Anyways thanks man! =D
FINALLY saw Qiqi(audrey) yesterday! Hadn't seen her in 3 weeks cause she was at China. She came back last week but guess we were both busy :/ She got me an AWESOOME:
BIKINI; (HOT AND COLOURFUL, just what I asked for!)
Bra; (nganganganngangaa its cheap there!)
Mouse; (OMG THANKYOU for saving me from shooting myself)
MONOKUROBOO FIGURINES; (goodd I LOVE THEM, on my desktop now) [now i got their keychains, figurines, pen and underwear! I SO want their bra... I had multiple phone chains but they broke)
Perfume; (miracle, so magic! Lancome) (smells GoOD)
Andd, she actually got me this FCUKINFANTASTICAWESOMEFLIPFLOPS, which I told all my friends about it when I saw it through the webcam.... Paul Frank slippers! And it TOTALLY matches with my Paul Frank shorts! (F.O.S) Butt, her mom kinda.... took em eventhough she knew it was for me.......... :/ ): T-T
Actually it was more like
xD OMG thank you for the presents, now wheres my slippers!
:D *waiting*
:] hears "actually my mom took it, *explains*"
:| Digests information
yea, I LITERALLY cried, you can ask her. Haihh, I really wanted it........
I purposely wore my to-be matching shorts just so I could match with the slippers.
Anyways, whats done is done.
" There's a MANGO in the corner ! "
Posted by katherine at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
NanaChocoBonanzaNonoBanana :S
I presented my English project today, about making a new product and getting even higher marks if you make it and bring it to school. (seriously, i think Mr.L is just doing this to get free food and drinks) hehe :D
Azuan came over and helped me with it. We fried the chocolate on the frying pan and made it into a ball, coated with peanut butter. LOOKS like shit. But it was actually kinda tasty. Tastes better when we just made it and its all hot rather than putting it in the fridge and bringing it to school. First attempt, we burnt it, it was all black T-T, Second was the best! Crunchy and soft *drools*, we decided on that and put in the rest of the chocolate to make the exact thing, but in the end became the Third attempt cause it was softer and more creamy. We couldn't do it again cause no more chocolate, so we just made the balls out of that.
We're gonna try to remake the second attempt today! Not for the class, just for us ^^
Sooo, I've been playing Dekaron this week. Grrr, wish Nadine would hurry up and START ALREADY! I'm lvl 26 now. Azu is lvl 31. Cepat get to lvl50 so can make guild! Right now we're both in the guild MUFFIN. Muahahahahahaha, =.="'
Wanted to blog abt Friday, 5/9/08 . okay here I gooo.
I finally slept at 4am finishing my bio..... and nxt day i woke up at 8am... too late to go to school so I went back to sleep. Woke up and got ready to meet Tiffany and the gang at Burger King. My mom kinda forced me to wear a really nice top. Wanted something casual yet nice cause I would be out the whole day then going Winston's party. So I wore this white top but she said it was too big for me and told me to wear her black top. I kept saying it was kinda 'glamorous' in a way but she kept on going about how it looks really nice. But glad she made me wear it though(:
Walked to school and i lost my clip on the way, but Kellie met up with me and helped me find it =D. Both walked to BurgerKing and sat with Megah, Shawn, Cheryll, Sucelia, Esther and Tiffany. Me and Tiffany left them there and both of us went to the new boutique to find a top/dress for Jing Yu's Candy Coloured Theme Party. Woot saw this amazing top but its similar yet not so similar to the one i have. Tiffany wanted this top but I said she could find better, she was sad. LoL.
While walking back to school Mr. Piggy's head suddenly appeared out of a car and shouted 'Mr Pointy!'. He then called me, said he was going Pyramid, the EXACT PLACE I WAS GOING NEXT!? Asked him and Tze Yang to give me a ride but NoooOoooo, NOt enough space. So I had to take the bloody bus. Bahh, it was alright though. Got to walk back to school with Tiffany and see Shaegan and Chen Ji. Shaegan was supposed to walk me back home after school but since I didn't go to school he walked me to the bus. Though the bus was like right outside school. Anyways, thanks for walking me outside (:
Mr Piggy asked to meet up since we didn't see each other in awhile. So I met up with him and his friends and talked for awhile. Nothing else to do since I had to wait for Nadine. Finally she came. She, me and Abi went shopping for Ston's present, bought him 2 boxers(skulls and roses, pink and spongebob!) and a shirt that has the lady's toilet picture which says your gf, and a really hot figure with boobs and ass that says my gf. Then THEY ate sushi. My mom picked us up from pyramid to send me to hiphop class. Nadine and Abi both stoned there then sleep, guess we were too boring for them.. lol. Mom picked us up again and sent us to Pizza Uno.
Happy Birthday Winston! You're annoying, but whatever(:
p.s he's bday is on the 4th, not 5th. Same as Esther
Ate, talked, sang bday song, stole balloons and Azu and Aaron picked us up. All of us went to Nadine's hse and sat with her parents. I wonder if they knew I'm the same age as Nadine since she kinda forced me to drink o.o lol. Abi's mom picked her up, and Azu came back to my hse and we played Dekaron the whole night xD
I'm gonna go play now, lalalalalala
Posted by katherine at 4:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I loved my weekends.
Azuan sent me to dancing class. (:
Omg, i missed a lesson, really had to catch up. But now Qiqi not doing it with me anymore :/
After that Azu picked me up and we went to Pyramid to look for Esther's birthday. Nenenenene found nothing! But came up with some ideas. Ohyea was also the Avril Lavigne concert, but i chose not to go. I wanna jump up and down in a concert, not left and right going 'hey hey you you'.
Went to Pyramid to look for Esther's present, Againn. This time went with Azu, Aaron, Nadine, and Adel ( i think thats how u spell it >< ). Watched Wall-E ! OMFG SO CUTEEEE! I LoVe that show. And the couple seats were nice =D Finally bought Esther part 1 of her gift, which would be revealed after I give it to her on Thursday. Then Azuan came back and chilled at my hse, watched You Don't Mess With The Zohan and Bee Movie while waiting for the Merdeka fireworks. But watheheck, never happened -.- Haih was really looking forward to it.
Plan was to do Chemistry project. But instead was FREAKING out the whole day cause my phone went missing. I only found out it wasn't lost and got it back at night when turns out it WAS in Azuan's car, just like I said it would be =.= Owhh AND went to my aunt's house for my (cousin's daughter) NIECE's birthday!!
Happy Birthday Ally, YOUR 8 years old! Hope she enjoyed her strawberry shortcake cake! rofl
My 10year old nephew Jared, 8year old niece Ally and adorable 4year old niece Ashley were seriously KILLING ME. Whole night they continued where they left off last time, calling me AUNTIE on PURPOSE? They know I hate it, "call me KATHERINE" ! "AUNTIEE" god, they're so young and they know how to tease me T-T Well, thats me. The one getting bullied by little kids.
So they jumped on me, screamed at me and each other, constantly wanting to play with me, telling me abt how they have boyfriends and girlfriends. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Jared doesn't wanna admit, but his sisters say he has. Ally had 2, but now has 1. And Ashley has 1. xD
Aww whole night they were really eager to play games with me. We played Simon Says, hahaha they don't know left and right so cutee. Played a game where they just sat and watched me perform for them. Make a W, and I had to shape like a W. Alphabets and numbers =.=
Hide and seek, scissors paper stone at the staircase, dancing, statue, piggyback arnd the hse and blablablabla. 9.00pm my mom called me to go back cause I told her I had to do my Chem Project. But Jared was soooo sad and cute, asking me to PLEASE stay and play with them summore. I said how long, and dunnoe why he chose 9.50pm. I ask 9.30pm and he say OK ^^. Lol so played played played, ahhh so tiring, until was 9.50pm actually. Lol, then mom said we had to go. He and the girls were soooo sad T-T Asked when we can see each other again. Asked my mom and said we're actually planning an end of the year family holiday xD And also maybe in a few weeks we'll meet up or they would come to my house and play twister. Heheee.
I gave them million hugs and kisses and told them I loved them before I went.GODD Ashley is damn bloody cute la, last time I saw her she barely talked and was so shy, but this time she would tell me stuff(and I couldnt understand her T-T), pull my hand, laugh, dance with me, and she's the only one that calls me KATHERINE.. except one time she called me AUNTIE... but called me katherine again. AHH I LOVE JARED, ALLY AND ASHLEY !!! Hope they never grow up, wait, I want Jared to grow up very soon, he likes to hit me and his sisters and is damn hyper. Ally, get more boyfriends! Ashley, stay cute forever princess!
Esther's SUPRISE party at Pyramid, TGIF. God was waiting the wholeee week for this! Looking at the menu on the computer screen. YEs, I did.
Met Alvin, Joon Jern, Tiffany, Jing Yu, Sucelia, Jocelyn and Elena at Haagen Dazs. Our plans changed a bazillion times but now the plan changed again. Now Tiffany couldn't go with me to bring Esther to TGIF cause she was wearing the shoes we were supposedly going to buy. you stupid girl =.= So I had to go to Esther and bring her to Nike. But when I got to where we were supposed to meet, Esther said she had to shop with her mom forawhile. =.= Plans changed again. So Tiff and me met her at Esprit, and we walked here and there till we finally went to TGIF, said that Tiff had to meet up with her friend to get something. But damn, as we were walking to TGIF, I could see ZhiLynn, like a cheerleader bending and running to her formation to behind the table. Jj or Sucelia's head bobbing up and down. If I was in an Anime at that time my face would be -.-"'''''''' sweaattt.
Suprised Esther, but all she could say was 'It's not my birthday' over and over again, YES ESTHER BUT ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY WEEK. AND THATS WHY ITS A SUPRISE.
So they brought out a slice of cake and she blew on it, then the part I've been waiting for, we SIT DOWN and EAT! Everyone ordered and shared the set, except me o.o
Jocelyn, Elena, Sucelia = set
Esther, JJ = set
Tiffany, Jing Yu = set
Alvin, Zhi Lynn = set
Katherine = Jack Daniel Steak
When my steak came, all of them were ' wahhh you can finish ah? ' frankly I think I could finish it but told them I'll share with them. So they took one or two bites and when I finished, I was STILL HUNGRY. T-T I told them and asked wether we could go Tony Roma's =P ... they laughed at me ...
Lol think them and esp the guys think I'm a real fatty, but I was shoo hungry and was waiting for soo long and I purposely went without dinner for some days, just for that moment. And it was worth it !
But damn, paid rm75 in total. Rm55 for the steak, Rm7.90 for the icelemontea (which Esther drank too AHEMM) and apparently Rm10 for tax and service charge? Jack thinks I got conned cause it should be Rm6? But whatever la, the past is past.
Started and finished my Chem Project at 4.30am last night and finally went to sleep. BUT I overslept, woke up at 9.30, said SHIT, then went back to sleep. Hehehe so didn't go school. Ahhh, just got a call from Jean-ni, she's sending me another version of her part, so I gotta edit and email it again. Haihhh, better eat dinner now and get to work.
Owh wait wait, I wanna blog abt what I found out today ^^
My mom got a letter from Genting (she's a goldcard member), since its her birthday this month they got her 2 complimentary tickets to Dreams Magic Show and a complimentary room for one night. I said to her that she watched the magic show already and jokingly asked wether Azuan and me could go... and she said YES o.o MuAhHAahahahHahahAHhahahaha
Plan so far, mom will get another room so we'll have connecting rooms. She, Me, Aaron, Nadine, Azuan and his two friends going. Me and Azu get the free tickets, so if they wanna watch they gotta pay themselves! Hehee don't worry la, got membership discount. Mommy rocks!
From 1st Sep-15 Oct. Planning around start of October.
Can't wait, muacks.<3
Posted by katherine at 7:59 PM 0 comments