Went for my cousin shaun's wedding on Saturday. Was very similiar to the other wedding I went with Qiqi and Jack. Even the chocolates! Except this one wasn't in hearts. Once again, I love my nephew and nieces ((((:
First thing they said to me when I got to the table was AUNTIE KATHERINE . And all my relatives laughed =.= I keep telling them to just call me Katherine.
Then when they saw me drinking beer the whole night they were all WHOAA after that you become all *imitates drunk person* HAhhaHAHAhahaha and then you don't know what you doing! Well, I'm surprised at so young they know that beer makes you drunk and how they act. Don't worry, I notified them that if you KNOW how to drink, then you're okay. What, I didn't want them thinking I was irresponsible! And at one point, *dududududu* mommy to the rescue!
adorables: Ehhh how come Auntie Katherine can drink!??!
hero: Because she's an AUNTIE so she can drink lor!
After that my nieces called me by my name. I got my nephew to do so by saying that if he doesn't call me by my name, I would tell everyone he has a girlfriend >;D
So the whole night I was just playing, talking and taking pictures with my adorables. Food was goood! And apparently now my auntie, uncle and cousins know about me and Azuan. Mooooooom!!! =.=
Then we went outside for awhile, talked with my mom and cousins about going clubbing together, Euphoria 8D Lol, since my mom is turning the big 50 this saturday. Then they were asking about how I could get in. I said PLEAASE la, look at me, so TALL. Majority of Asia thinks I'm few years older than my true age. And that's BEFORE I dress up. Then I said that now I dress like a little kid(cause I wasn't dressed up so nice la), you haven't seen me dress up yet! Then my mommy say 'what little kid? I can almost see your boobs already still say little kid'. T-T
Kept asking my mom if the wedding cake was real or not, so we had a plan. We told the adorables to go run up to the stage and check. And they did xD I took pics! Then my mommy also went, she touched it with her finger, ran up to me then she smeared me with invisible cake. But I didn't know if it was real or not so I screamed =.= After that I went up to check too. Yam Seng, lol competition time. We cheated, muahahaa. But not as much as the other tables. I beat my cousin Nicky! LOL non-smoker can shout longer than smoker la, sorry (: Owhyea he's a playboy! (;
Omg there were so much more pics here, but it just, diasappeared? fcuk -.-

Was kinda stoned after that, didn't feel high though, just... stoned? LOL Got back home at 2.30pm and straightaway played Dekaron till 3 or 4.
Sunday woke up to go Bangsar with Nadine and Abigail. Where the fcuk was Safia? Getting ready but took so long no point of her coming anymore =.= Went Bangsar Village but blardy expensive so we went to All the boutiques on the streets. OMG THE STAIRS. Bought this sexy fantastic super awesome one of a kind top!! I'll try take pic. I was tied down between an awesome purple dress from CatsWhiskers but in the end bought the top. Gahh I think I'll go back to CatsWhiskers this friday with Esther and Tif and ask for their opinion and maybe buy it with my mom.
KFC, the place I want to be! Going to eat fast food in my hse for the first time in a really long time! Seriously o.o
Yayy tomorrow no school! OWHH I started studying yesterday. Chem and Accounts. Proud proud proud 8D
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