This is what I get. I give this another chance and look what I get left with.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Posted by katherine at 3:37 AM 1 comments
A little piece of heaven.
Leaving to Bangkok, Thailand tomorrow morning !
Posted by katherine at 1:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Brown eyed girl
Okay, let me try to remember.
So I will not forget. I will not forget
How this felt one year six months ago
I know I cannot forget. I cannot forget
I'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do
Follow me there
A beautiful somewhere
A place that I can share with you.
Posted by katherine at 1:02 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The taste of freedom, taste like vodka with cupcakes
Well, almost. One more objective paper on chem tomorrow morning, then it's over! But then there's the SPM Bm paper on Wed. But nevertheless, yours truly has started celebrating her freedom.
Oh wow, I'm actually gonna start blogging about my weekend! (:
So, after my Physics Paper 1, went to AC to foos. Yeah, I didn't study but foos instead.. again. Hey, you shouldn't stress yourself last minute anymore right? You know it, you know it, you don't, you don't! So after foos, was Addmaths Paper 2. Was easier than the first, that's all I can say. Straight went home, watched tv abit and got ready to Nadine's house for the BBQ!Me and Rekha made babies! Me and Rekha cleaned squids! The bones were really cool, not the black ink though. After cleaning, marinating, stirring, wiping, and all those other things, finally got to seat our asses down and EAT! I was too busy foosing to remember to eat. So everything was just delicious! But, I didn't get to eat my squids, cause Scampi LICKED them -.- So after stuffing ourselves, half of us watched Jennifer's Body while the other half was trying to fix the curtain that broke. Everyone was screaming in the dark and the movie started for only 5 seconds. Hilarious! After the movie was done, went into the kitchen to find them playing Boggle so yeah Friday night was my first time playing Boggle! Headacheee wei!
Then it was drinking time, thought everyone how to play Flooop. I didn't even get a chance to mess up! ): Tried teaching them Thumbmaster but failed. Then we played Drink or Dare cause we just couldn't think of anything else. Why is it NOW only that I'm remembering all the drinking games..I'm missing the Bacardi Apple!
Drove to the mamak nearby to shisha and chill. We are all still wondering why it is so damn cold there. Sent the boys back and got back to the house around 5am, showered and me, Rekha and Safia who were sleeping over and Nadine slept straight. Woke up the next day and I got my nails painted with different colours on each nail. YAY(: Got ready and headed out to Curve. Met up with the rest at Vivo's and they have really good food there! Seriously doesn't look like much but really, the food is awesome. I had a Romeo and Juliet Pizza with a Cappucino, and they gave me a little biscuit! Went walking around the bazaar and we all spotted this BEEUTIFUL dress! (Don't worry, I know how to spell beautiful) But the movie was gonna start so we said we would buy it later.
2012 is, one of the best cinematic experiences I ever had. Something worth watching and something you DEFINITELY have to watch in the cinema.
Was so glad that they still had seats, for all 9 of us together, and it was pretty damn good seats. Cause we weren't able to book it the night before and I was so scared that it would be full. Guess it would have to be another day to watch The Fourth Kind and Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs.
After the movie, was Paddington's House of Pancakes. Lovelovelove! We all shared the sweet dipping thing. Can't remember what it's called but its the dollar pancakes. I prefer the american stacks though. And yes, Nadine, Safia and me bought the same dress!! It was just too nice. And no regrets, cause I tried it on at home (trying not allowed at the Curve Bazaar) and I just LOVE it! :D Anyways, Azaidi met up with us while we were at Paddington's. One by one everyone left, walked to McD to wait for the rest of them to go home. Then Hadi came to pick us up to go to OU for the Flyfm concert. Took a bloody hour to find parking so we were like fcuk it, just park at One World Hotel. Watched the concert for awhile then went to eat at the sushi place near MPH, can't remember the name. Had udon with the chicken thing. I just cannot seem to remember names. Got back home around 1am, watched House and slept for 12hours.
Woke up and went swimming with Jack the whole day. Was good to catch up! And it was good to swim after so long! After catcing up, went for dinner with him, Qiqi and their mom at Old Town. Food was good (: Prawn mee, chicken wings, fish head curry, pork satay and ice kacang!
Got home, watched House and here I am blogging. Sorry if it seemed liked I sped things up but I was getting kinda annoyed at typing. I gotta get used to blogging again :/
I'm missing the mash potatoes, pork ribs and cupcakes from the BBQ ):
God I'll make them pay,
Take it back one day.
I'll end this day,
I'll splatter color on this gray.
This I swear!
Posted by katherine at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
It's all getting abit tiresome.
Yes, I'm sorry that I was so forgetful!
So sorry, dear! But rejoice at the fact that I didn't get to do anything for him but for you, I got to belanja you char kuey teow and bubble tea back to school, saving you from the clutches of the school food! But in the end, you had Nando's as well. But atleast I made the effort, right? As I said on your facebook, I love you babe! Hoping for more years to come that I get to wish you Happy Birthday! Mwaaaah (:
Now hurry up and drive me around already, 17 year old!
So, the AAR concert was..... indescribable? Not in the good way though, in a I really can't say way. I found it stupid, that going there early to wait in line was a waste of time since in the end, everyone just PUSHED their way through. Everyone else that was WAY at the back of the line, managed to enter before us =.=
The weather as usual, was fcuked up. Hot. Then found out that we weren't waiting in line just now, but was waiting in line to be waiting in line. So was slowly pushing through the very huge crowd, with bodies of sweat sticking near you. I seriously felt as if I was about to faint. When we finally got in, we had to push ourselves AGAIN in attempt to get infront of the stage. Then, we were waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting till the bloody opening act could even come on. By that time, things started to stink and I thought to myself that this is a load of bullshit. I've already seen AAR live at the MTV World Stage, do I really need to see them again this close? I can just go to the bloody BACK of the crowd, away from everyone else and enjoy the show and music from the back. So with the power of the handphone, got Azaidi, Danial and Richmond to follow me out of the stinky crowd. And thank bloody god we did, cause it was AGES until AAR came out. So there we were sitting on the floor, enojoying the music and the drizzle, away from the bloody crowd (:
Managed to push myself back into the crowd when AAR was about to come on, by then I had calmed down and had my rest and drinks. They played the usual songs and by the last few songs I was at the front. When they finished, everyone was telling me to go back home but I was insistent on getting the free stuff they usually throw to the crowd after.
And, Katherine got herself Tyson Ritter's sweat towel which he wiped all over his body and crotch. HAHA. Don't get me wrong, I didn't want it. I was literally shaking my head to Tyson when he was asking the crowd if we wanted it. But he had to throw it over to my side and it was just so bloody close to me, natural reaction is to catch it right? I was expecting something, and true enough, exact thing happens just like the Panic at the Disco concert. Me and another 7 or 8 girls holding onto the towel for dear life. Instead, in less than 5 seconds (it took another girl 5 minutes to come up with the idea while we were all fighting for it) I was the one that suggested cutting it. And everyone co-operated! You know, instead of running away when a huge piece was yet to be cut ( which was what I did last time ), but I decided to be nice (:
F.Y.I : I lost my Panic at the Disco towel :X
Which was why I gave pieces of my towel to Azaidi's sister and her friend. And planning to give to Qiqi as well. It's just a sweat towel though, with Tyson Ritter's sweat... LOL. Just got it for the fun of it. But OHYEAHHHH unlike the Panic at the Disco concert, managed to get AAR's GUITAR PICK! WOOO! It looks freaking cool! Not as cool as the HelloKitty with boobs and 'AAR' behind, but still cool. There's a middle finger on it :D
No drumstick though. Damn, could have sold that for alot since I don't play the drums! But I'll keep the guitar pick!

Basically, if it wasn't for my certain someone and the free stuff, would be cursing the whole time about how I should have just stayed home and study. But it was okay in the end.
English paper was today, Nadine, Safia and Rekha found my essay about cockroaches and left-over pizza's cute. Hehh (:
Posted by katherine at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
This post is reserved for pictures of Graduation (:
The fireworks begin today. Each diploma is a lighted match. Each one of you is a fuse.
Class of '09. We fcuking graduated!
Thanks for the lovely two years 4 and 5 Theta. And not just to the classmates, but to everyone else. The familiar faces since entering Sri KL in Std.2 and the new faces along the way that got to be familiar. A lot of good times to be remembered and missed. The whole charade of hating teachers, loving them in the end, skipping classes, having enemies, making friends, staying in the toilets for too long, skipping P.E, laughing our asses as loud as we could unintentionally cause it was just too damn funny and so much more to name. Ohgosh, no more wonderful Sri KL nasi lemak!
But wow, seriously, everyone was just absolutely gorgeous and dolled up on Grad Night! And thanks again to Rekha and Nadine for meeting at my house first before walking over to Grand Dorsett (previously Sheraton Hotel which is still 30 seconds walk from my place). And to Qiqi for attempting to come to my grad cause she wanted to see me graduate. Really appreciate the fact that she tried, I can't think of anyone else that would do such a thing. Loves (: To my dear dear friends, make sure we keep in touch? But most of us are all going to Taylors College anyways!
Yes, I have finally made my decision, after two long thought-out years of where am I headed to after college. My dream college (I got small dreams) Taylors College, A levels course, Bio-Science, subs to take are Bio, Maths, Phsycology and Econs. This is the plan for now, but hey things can change.
And as usual, sorry for not updating. But I got a real good reason this time! O-levels is... happening right now! So I've seriously been a real good girl this past month. Intentionally started out to get my 5 C's for college but screw that I want the A's now! But I would be happy with B's as well.
And to reward myself for studying and staying at home all this time (except for the weekends not including last week) and for staying at home for two straight weeks, going to the AAR concert tomorrow which got rescheduled to tomorrow. Ey, shaddup okay? I've checked my timings and with going out tomorrow I would still be able to study what I need to study after. So, katherine needs her break alright!
Kay, gonna study a tad more and hit the hay ! Will upload the grad night and the pics from all this time when I can. But you can find loads on facebook anyway.
And Happy belated birthday to the birthday boy, Richmond Lim <3
For now, Happy Halloween!
Posted by katherine at 2:57 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
Why did you have to go !!
Just went to carrefour, and was looking for the chocopie that I so desperately wanted to try, and was so freaking happy when I saw they had it in carrefour and bought 2 packets... now
my 2 packets of chocopie
2 packets of ruffles
1 packet of hellopanda
and 1 packet of choc chip cookies
MISSING. Bloody fcuk, damn pissed off. Now, i'm just sad :/
Though I still got my
3 packets of rice crackers
3 packets of pepperidge farm cookies
2 packets of lexus crackers
2 packets of mr. potato chips
1 can of pringles
3 diff types of mango pudding
2 packets of cereal
I'm just so bloody sad cause it was the chocopie that I really wanted to eat. And now I really wanted to eat something chocolate-y but my damn hellopanda's got to be missing too. Apparently it's not in the receipt. HAIHHHHHHH. And my ruffles, zomg laaaa.
So, I got 3 days left of my high school days to enjoy. Seriously, WILL cry on graduation. Gotta remember to bring my contact lens solution on the day. And oh how I despise the fact that graduation is BEFORE exams. As in just FEW days before. And few weeks before SPM. Thus none of my hardworking buddies are willing to hang out after graduation or sleepover and what not. Since the hotel is right OPPOSITE my house. Well, too bad. They're just gonna be forced. We will karaoke the night away in my house! Sing all the sad songs and cry!
Alright, gonna go find anything chocolate. Maybe my pepperidge farm milano cookies.
Then you smiled, he got wild.
Posted by katherine at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Summer's song
O-levels is two weeks away! Graduation is 1 week away! Prom is 2 months away!
So this is growing up? I'll miss you, high school.
This summer is coming to a close
and i'm starting to figure out that i cannot live without you
i hope you're thinking of me, cuz all the stars above me sing your name
i'll never be the same again
so please don't forget to call me
just to let me know you're doing okay
miles away from me
this summer was the best i've ever had
i never want to see it end, so let's pretend
that we're never going back home again
just say those three words i know you're thinkin
i'm sick of wasting time on these formalities
please never leave my side
so please tell me darling
why you're so far away
when i need you beside me tonight
rlkw, ily(:
as it says so on that shirt .X
Posted by katherine at 2:03 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happy birthday Esther and Winston, again!
1st week-Didn't go to school cause majority of the school weren't going due to some people contracting AH1N1
2nd week-Closed down due to AH1N1
3rd week- Trials
4th week- holiday
5th week Trials
From where I left off right? And yeah was still going out during the weekends eventhough trials were going on. Think on some weekdays too, can't really remember.
Ohgosh the 1st, 2nd and 3rd week of sleeping at 7.30am due to no school resulted me in sleeping at 5.30am everyday even when my trials were going on. So I would sleep for just about an hour and go for my exam like a talkative zombie which is what Nadine called me. And DID NOT study AT ALL during that one week holiday, even on the Sunday night. Pretty much forgot everything. Boo, no more talks of exam for now.
After my LAST Trial paper, met up with Esther, Tiff and Zhi to change to our clothes in the toilet and to make a 'quick' stop at Street Cafe before going to Pyramid to hang out and watch a movie. Surprised Esther by bringing her to Street Cafe with everyone waiting for her. Singed the birthday song, had cake and took LOADS of pics. I didn't upload all because it would just be too many. Zhi Lynn made some into icons and it looks great! But I'm not sure how to post em up so gotta wait for her to teach me and to do the rest of the pics. Thanks to Azaidi for sending me, Tiff and Gabriel to Pyramid since there was no place in Joon Jern's Myvi! Hanged out with Esther, JJ, Zhi, Jing Yu, Eileen, Tiff, Gabriel and Sarah in Wong Kok for just abit till their movie started. I SO did not want to watch The Final Destination unless its 3D okay! So met up with Azaidi and Nadine to do abit of shopping for Winston's present. Turns out I bought myself denim shorts and a cute red top! Hmm, shopping for myself, it's been awhile (: Gave Adidas a try for his present and Zhiji surprised me! Apparently he works there and he was responsible for finding Winston's present! Safia met up with us in Adidas then went to my house, Nadine's house and finally to the party.
I just want to say Sorry and Thankyou to everyone. Yeah I'm dumb, for literally not sleeping, for starting off with an empty stomach, for not eating enough. Lastnight, was seriously a first for me, for it to get that bad. I don't really want to explain myself here but am just hoping that people will still see me as me.
Posted by katherine at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
Under the stars and the moon,
Baby, they were playing our song,
While the air breezed by,
And our lips touched.
I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you.
Trials finish tomorrow today !
Cause our lips,
Can touch.
And our cheeks,
Can brush.
Our lips can touch,
Where you are the one, the one,
That lies close to me.
Whispers, "Hello,
I've missed you quite terribly."
I fell in love, in love,
With you suddenly.
Now there's no place else,
I could be, but,
Here in your arms.
Just that, right now... I'm not so sure anymore.
*Winds down the car window and screams, 'BOYYYYYYYY!?'*
Posted by katherine at 2:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Yo !
Just came back from barcelona, yeah was supposed to go MOS but how are you supposed to turn down 4 bottles of bacardi lemon? :D
from TGIF's the other day. Isn't Richmond and my daddy just so cute? Just felt like uploading them, will try to upload the rest next time. Bahh will just upload some now okay?
Omfg this was when Maegan was back for hols! Now she's back at India. Miss her like crazy, have yet to go clubbing with her ):Pictures for the school magazine! Couldn't upload all of em, check out my facebook!
Enough for now yeah? Off to bed, 6am! Ohgosh it's raining!!!
*runs to save Jacky her cute doggie*
Posted by katherine at 4:56 AM 0 comments