Saw hot guys at the ice-skating rink at around 12.30am with KellieWellie! She came over to my place and we called a cab and tadaa! Hot hockey players =P Met up with Wai Yik, and made new friends! The brothers, Keith and Ken. We were kinda blurr what our plans were, end result was us sitting on the floor in Pyramid talking about shit. Then their dad came, so the 3 of us were just sitting at the mamak outside Pyramid, shisha-ed till around 4.30am (Kellie's first time, HURRAY!) till it rained. Walked halfway then hopped on a cab and sleptover at my place.Saturday
Woke up and took the LRT to KLCC for the Education Fair at the convention centre. Alot of cute guys too 8DD And yes, other than the cute guys, I managed to look into the colleges and courses as well *angel* Had absolutely no more slippers (the one i was wearing were my cousin's {sorry!}) so bought these cute Vincci slippers for RM33 after sale! Got back home around 9pm and kong, Egg and Kellie had to open the door themselves, sorry!Sunday
Woke up early, and was sitting in my kitchen wondering what the hell I was gonna do the whole day and was sighing at my superboredom when it suddenly hit me that I was going out with Melanie and the gang today! Got ready and instead of taking the bus, Melanie picked me up, thanks! Tiffany & Sucelia couldn't make it last minute ): Elena, Malini, Esther and Melanie were waiting outside Kitschen's dressing room for a really long time, cause I was trying on 6 pairs of jeans and a red tube top. End of the day I bought the 1st skinny jeans I tried on and the red tube top (: The shoes the day before is the start of my CNY shopping :D Also got my RM9.90 flipflops, exactly the same as my old ones except RM7 cheaper o.o Joon Jern and Lam Shein then joined us for lunch at Sakae Sushi. I swear every single time I go out with Esther, we are ALWAYS eating sushi! Exp T.T Justin and Julian then joined us in time for the movie.
We watched the ghost movie, They Wait.
Fcuking hilarious ghost movie! Owh its NOT supposed to be a comedy, but I just could not stop laughing! Go watch it people! =D Fave part is : 'How can a little boy fool an old lady?' 'How can an old lady fool herself!' hahahahahaha :D
Nice storyline, the parts were cliche though. Like its there, then not there, then there, then not? Expected~ But overall nice funny movie!
Spent a heck of a long time in Popular, YES because of me. What did they learn in Popular? To NEVER go to a bookshop with Katherine Lim, as I spent freaking long deciding how many files, what colour files, what type of notebook and what kind of bottle(which I didn't get in the end) that I needed to get. And just when you think you can get your asses outta the stupid bookshop, I just HAD to get intrigued by the stupid computer hammer game they were holding! I just couldn't resist when I heard the person say 'Free Movie Tickets'. So I forced Esther to play it with me, we didn't win ): Thankgod though as I found out it was for a chinese movie, helloo banana in the house ! Ahh, Hilarious Times in Popular (((: 'Blow harder Esther!'
Then took NeoPrints ~ 3 times. Two with the guys and the last one with just us girls. Time flied really fast and everyone had to go back home. So after rushing to get my staff discount at Kitcshen from Chee Hui ( thanks!) and my slippers, Mel dropped me back home around evening.
.siewleetan has been added to the conversation.
Reuben says:
tan siew lee ada
katherineee. ♥passing you one side of my earphones. says:
.siewleetan says:
katherineee. ♥passing you one side of my earphones. says:
katherineee. ♥passing you one side of my earphones. says:
katherineee. ♥passing you one side of my earphones. says:
Reuben says:
Reuben says:
group hug !!
Reuben says:
Reuben says:
katherineee. ♥passing you one side of my earphones. says:
katherineee. ♥passing you one side of my earphones. says:
katherineee. ♥passing you one side of my earphones. says:
stacey! HUG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
katherineee. ♥passing you one side of my earphones. says:
.siewleetan says:
katherineee. ♥passing you one side of my earphones. says:
thats better (:
Reuben says:
.siewleetan says:
The last two are the hug signs (;

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