So guys, how do you like the new font and colors?
Go purple! Hehe.
Happy CNY guys! Year of the cow, moo moo moo ~ Gosh, I saw these ADORABLE cow slippers yesterday. It had a cow on it, and the straps had a milk bottle on it and it was purple! But the size was really small, like for kids. Kids get all the nice stuff...
Anyways, it's been a crazy week. Unexpectedly celebrated CNY.
Friday after school went for the cheerleading tryouts. Freaking messed up but didn't matter, since they all couldn't make a decision and would hold another tryout next time. Met up with Jay, Dino and their gang at AC for pool. At night went to SupperClub at Hartama's, worst clubbing experience ever so far.
Next day went to D'Haven at Bangsar with Sam, Pardeep and Jay. Also stopped by Mango Mania weeee. Then we all went to Jay's for his family dinner. Sent Sam back home and Pardeep dropped us of at the Lrt and took it to Kelana Jaya for the street party. First time that I drank till I vomited :X Well, only cause I knew no matter what there was someone to take care of me.On Sunday went to my aunt's house for reunion, though the food this year wasn't that great. Hopefully the next dinner will be nice, with more of my relatives! Gamble! But atleast my darling nephew and nieces were there. But this year instead of playing hide&seek or the other funny games, we played ps2! Yeesh, lucky kids ( I told you they get all the good stuff! ) They actually brought their ps3 but we played with the ps2. COD3 and dragonball.

So they came over and we catched up, then they said wanted to go mamak eat. Saw Zhiji and another guy outside my house and they asked us to go shisha. Followed their car, drove all the way to Kota Kemuning and stopped infront of a huge house, went into the house and saw a bunch of guys there. Talk about inappropriately dressed, from chilling at home to going mamak to shisha to a huge house with random guys to drinking. They also had shisha but it sucked. Downed a couple of chivas.
12am deng deng happy cny!
Went back to the same place the next night, was expecting the same people but turned out to be more guys. So we were just chilling, and making oranges explode. Suddenly someone said sarcastically that Adrian's party blablabla, and I was like.. this is a party? So apparently I went to a party without even knowing it was a party. Finally got down to drinking at 2am. Downed a shitload of green label and that will be my first and last time because green label sucks nuts. Sorry that I disappointed you guys about not flashing at the 'cctv' this time. Hehe. And gosh I miss maplestory!
Finally had a break on Tuesday, 4 nights in a row was enough. Stayed at home the whole day. Wednesday had plans in the afternoon to meet up with Jovi, Christopher and his friends at Klang for karaoke but guess we have to postpone. Take care of yourself and your sister yea? But plans with Sam and Pardeep was still on! Pardeep picked me up around 6pm, exchanged my can of beer for his KFC cheesywedges wooo! Went to AC and he teached me how to foos, and beat all those other foos players, that's my sifu!! After foos, headed to the Curve. Met up with Joel, Sam and Kyle at Sanctuary. Then the guys left and came back with two of Sam's friends, sorry I'm not sure how to spell their names. Shisha-ed (not me, I had enough for now) and played cho dai di then went back to Sanctuary for the Ice Bar, and free flow since it was ladies night. No dance floor, boo!
Thursday, didn't know if I should go to Yee Sam's party, in the end didn't. Sorry ): Instead hanged out with Khairi, Safia and Nadine at Pyramid. Saw Zenvern and Shaegan there too and talked for awhile. Basically the whole day was at Forever21 and Safia, Nadine and me having a girl talk in KFC. Had cheesywedges again weeee! Last minute plan to go straight to MOS from Pyramid with Sam, Evelyn, Wai Keat (sorry if its wrong), Timothy and the other guys. It was ladies night, no cover charge and danced our asses off! While dancing got a call from Zhiji, he was there too! Met up with him, SiewLee and Reuben for awhile. Ohgosh I love the dancefloor(vibrates!), the smoke, the lights, the Dj. Hahaha freaking Ja-kun here. Can't wait for many more times there. Next time I will dress appropriately, not a denim skirt and tanktop. If I had knew that we were confirmed I would have prepared okay!
Today's Friday, woke up today from Chee Hui's call. Got up, showered and went to Jing Yu's party with him. Ate FREAKINGALOT. Sorry to Jing Yu that I couldn't eat more, last night after MOS ate ruffles, ham sandiwch and chicken wings then sleep, then go your house and eat again! But I tapau-ed back the food, she and her mom were very happy about that. After we ate finally got down to gambling! Blackjack, poker and in-between. So weird, last year won RM93 at in-between at the same party, but this year lose like crazy at in-between. But made up for it in blackjack and especially poker! Won every single round, poker poker queen :D
Why am I bragging so much, won rm48 only okay. But better than losing so yeah, I should be happy (:
Sorry to Pardeep that I didn't play foos with you today ): Next Friday yea kor?
Hmm, found out today that I don't really have a favourite food. Isn't that kinda impossible? I love and enjoy all types of food. It might seem like you think that for example, cheesywedges is my fave food but there are many many more. Bratwusrt sausage, unagi, porkchops, whipped potato, pasta, fish, wan tan mee, char siew fan, sandwiches, bacon, pork belly, baby back ribs, steak, doublecheeseburgers, cashew nuts, ruffles, cookies, icecream, fudge brownies, marshmallows, hellopanda, caramel corn...
Ahh the list goes on.

Sorry, the song just came up on itunes. Did I mention I have 700+ archiecomics? Yeah the last time I counted, don't worry I stopped collecting! But I still got all of them here at home, anyone wanna borrow? Glad to :D
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