HappyNewYear2009! Went for countdown at The Curve. Fireworks were awesome. Guy ask for my number, blek, lol. And when the celebrations were OVER, random dude sprayed ME ONLY. All the other people passing, nooo, only ME. Grrr >;(

After I washed out all the foam and strings, couldn't resist putting this pic. Dork picture! (:

Played with my hair for awhile, Qiqi gave me the stick/chopstick!
Next day met up with Kellie&WaiYik. Yeah I wore the same outfit, except with a belt this time. Ah whatever la, it was still relatively clean! Talked at Subway damn freaking loud&long, when we finally left received alot of mean stares (: Danced like the 'threebestfriends' we were. LOL

love at first sight

Freaking candid! I was just suggesting what to do T_T
Now I look like superwoman ;D

Straight went to Chen Ji's place for his NewYears Gathering. Played Guitar Hero and ate KFC ! Hotel California on GH is damn nice to play! Didn't take much pics though ): Nice catching up with Mabel, Sucelia, Chen Ji & Chai Leng... and Chen Ji's brother? Haha, I'm his JieJie remember! And his dog Tubby is freaking cute, he can roll over!

HappyNewYear again people. Received my sms?
Grr, Form5 now! Never thought this year would come so fast. Last year of highschool.
And once again, because my birthday is in December, after a whole year of saying 'I am 16 this year', and I finally got to say I'm 16!! ,
I now have to say, I'm 17 this year
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