Monday(yesterday) celebrated Safia's birthday! Sadly no pics :/ Didnt bring my camera. But was fun though.
Was actually in a bad mood that morning. For one thing, my hair sucked and the main thing is that cause Sucelia borrowed my baju kurung on Friday, so I didn't have it. I assumed she would bring it on Monday but i still sms'ed her in the morning when i woke up. Wore my old baju kurung which was fuhreaking small and tight. C'mon la, ate a bloody buffet last night and was really tired, just wanted to be comfortable in my own clothes. So while I was walking to school i called and called and called Esther and Sucelia but nobody answered. Turns out she didn't bring it la, but said her driver would bring it around 10am. So while i was throwing my tantrums in the morning before assembly, everybody told me it was bloody CLASS PICTURE DAY? Like grr I didn't get the memo AT ALL. Guess I was absent but nobody told me =.= Was freaking out la, didnt even have my baju for the picture that's gonna be in the yearbook T.T
But yay, horror over, finally got my baju kurung. Then it was time to take the pics. Arrgh i think i look horrible, cause i wasnt READY and i bet i look like a fat cow cause of the way i was standing. Really hard to look skinny in a baju kurung =.=
Anyways, after that me and Abigail rushed back upstairs to get the balloons that we previously put ribbons inside that we cut up. Wrote happy bday Princess Safia on it and rushed to the canteen. Nadine was stalling Saf while we all got everything ready. Nadine and us got her chocolate indulgence cake from Secret Recipe. Yumms.
So we somehow managed to surprise Princess Safia(: Sang her the bday song and popped the balloons!
Okay, i dont think anyone knows, but it was me that popped it first, by accident. Yea it was my idea to pop it after the song but i was too scared to pop it and was waiting for the guys to do it. But as i moved my hand holding the satay stick, i accidently popped the balloon Kellie was holding xD
So in the end we held the balloons on Safia's head and I popped em all with the satay stick and all the little ribbons fell on her hair and all over the place. Sorry to the people in the canteen that we frightened. It was kinda loud ^^
Fyi: Safia's bday is on April 29 Tuesday! Not Monday. Nadine wanted it on Monday so that it'll be a surprise. Haha everyone kept getting mixed up.
All these pics aren stolen from Abigail's blog, so yeap credits to her. Thanks(:
And yes, im fugly ): Remember, i didn't know it was picture day and i was all stressed out :/

Haih Tiffany didnt come today, hope ur okay darling. At lunch time through end of school i was trying to borrow money from everyone cause i didnt bring my wallet. Went to Burger King to buy back for Jack and Qiqi cause apparently they had no food. Wrong. That's why now Im angry at them -.- I was already so tired today, I didn't even really choi Safia this monring eventhough it was her bday :/ But still borrowed money( im payin them back la, so it is actually MY money), walked to BK with my heavy books and bag in the hot hot sun, walked back to school to walk back home, rushed back, put my books and bag at home, didn't shower and went to their hse... cause i didn't want it to get cold..... And waddaya noe, Qiqi is outside her hse with food in her hands =.=
My mom left to Perth today, hope she brings back my stuff and my guitar.
Before i went to BK, stayed back with Kellie for awhile. She asked me to join cyrens for next year, which actually means have to start training this year. After the competition which is a few months from now. OKAY(: Heck i was planning to join the yellow hse cheerleading for sportsday nxtyear but Kel said the real cheerleading team is much more fun, plus i can join both right? (; Also cant wait for my hip hop classes in a few weeks! Haih but i also wanna continue taking up guitar, guess i have to put that off for the timebeing.
And not going to school tomorrow(sports rehearsal), thursday(labour day), friday and monday. Friday cause for sure there will be no lessons, gonna have assembly, and not much ppl will be in class cause getting ready for SportsDay on Sat. And monday cause its a holiday. I wanna go on Sat, just for now no transport. Will try to find.
Kk, so this week gotta study study study for midyear!