Poledancing was, a new experience. Hahahahhaha sexy sexy. =P
After poledancing teman-ed Chai Leng eat her bfast, I ate an IKO biscuit while she had Uncle Lim's T_T Bought Qi a rotiboy back, she didn't do the class with us BOO ! Then went to ac for foos. Daamn, there was a hot guy there, hot tall pro. HAHAHHA shhhh (;
Ohyes I have FINALLY tried Pasta De Gohan the other day! It was excellent, delicious and made me giggle!
Decorations, fascinating
Soup had a japanese flavor to it, its like when I drink the soup, I feel like I'm eating a japanese biscuit. Oooo
Spaghetti with bacon & cabbage was deelish and cheesy, though they lacked on the bacon & cabbage but still good
The gratin was my ABSOLUTE FAVE. Sooo cheesy in all the right places, and the prawn was fresh and superb
Whole goddamn place made me giggle :D From time to time the staff will all bow down and say arigato gozaimasu! And the soup, cheese, coffee and deco. Hehehee i love that place *giggles*Sorry I didn't take more pics, I was too hungry ><
Next place to try is the pancake place.. Hmmm mango crepe, waffles, pacakes. *droools*
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Be one with the pole
Posted by katherine at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Wanna see me work my body?
HellOhooHey (:
What have I been doing you asked?
Rock Climbing & Gym !
Yeap, whole of this week
If I wasn't rockclimbing I was at the gym.
Went for the basic course for rockclimbing, there were some complications but we made it. Bianca, Qiqi, Ian and my instructor was Noel. Wanna know how he looks like? He looks like that guy from Wendy Wu! Anyway he was really nice teaching us all the gear and belaying and bouldering, lasted for 4 hours. Now we have certificates and an access card saying that we know how to climb.
That was our basic course. Ian didn't wanna come anymore, so me, Bianca and Qi went rockclimbing by ourselves the other day. YES I reached the top at the auto-belay! Never imagined that I could while I was doing the basic course, proud (=
*Biancaa! God we don't have any nice pics together =.=
& I'm not sure if i have permission to post pics on Bianca and Qi climbing. Hahaha.
Use me! I'm a hole, I'm a hole, I'm a hole no I'm a landform!
Chai Leng got me and qiqi free trial memberships for a week at CelebrityFitness in SubangParade! I got 1 week + 2 weeks free. Muahahhaa. THANK YOU SOO MUCH CHAI LENG ! :D I really have been enjoying gym. Hot guys from left to right, able to work out with the machines ( concentrate on abs and chicken wings, using the pectorial thingy ), and especially DANCE CLASSES! Love them so much, get to learn how to dance and work out and sweat! Don't think I would need to go for dance class anymore cause I can just go to gym!
Hope this is enough for me to reminisce next time when I re-read my blog. Sorry but I gotta sleep, really looking forward for POLE-DANCING class tomorrow at CelebrityFitness. Hope i'm able to wake up. Ciaoo guys and hope I get a sexay body. Arigato gozaimasu !
Wanna see me work my body
I'll show you in the bedroom
I'll strip and sway and run my hands down
So you better not walk away
Posted by katherine at 2:13 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Im seeing myself through the window and I can't break through.
Woke up late to meet Bianca at her place for tennis class and badminton. But got ready fast and could have actually left in time... if my mom had kept her promise to wake up and send me! My auntie was in the house at the time so I asked her to send me but gosh, should have just taken a taxi. She took me to all sorts of places except Bianca's place. Ahh I almost had a heart attack, no need to talk about it. So I got to her place an hour late, missing the tennis class. So we just played badminton then met up with Raymond at the Sunway Club cafe to eat. Then went back to her apartment to check out her dogs. Ohmygodd her one puppy is fking cute, tiny and fluffy! I forgot what his name is but doesn't matter, he shall always be BB to me (littleblackball). He is seriously TINY. You can just step on him or strangle him. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA o.o"'''
Mom finally woke up to pick me up, gaaahh she said I got fatter.. I KNEW IT ! People have been saying that I got fatter/wider =.= If it wasn't for the incidents at asicafe that day (weeeeee) I would have been locking myself in my room, starving to death, afraid to gaze upon the rays of the sun and listening to sad music to add to the effect that my life sucks. So... good thing eh?Went to Kellie's place to sleepover, told her about what's up with me and she told me what's up with her .... there's a name for that.. ohyea, talking! *lame* Though I felt like I was gonna fall asleep cause of the long day I had. I was... tired. Hehe. But in the end, SHE fell asleep while we were watching Friends on dvd. Grrr. And I didn't feel tired at that point anymore so I just kept on watching. Then when I wanted to sleep, SHE woke up o.o""' Did some stupid shit for awhile and I left her to do the stupid shit by herself. cause I wanted to sleep.. Woi, what happened to Ho's over Bro's yo?
Kellie rudely awakened me cause she wanted to go eat at Pyramid. Waah, I'm the first to sleep but last to wake up, but she cheated okay, remember she slept before that. Grrr why couldn't she leave me to my beauty sleep =.= So got ready and left the house for Pyramid. Walked around to check out what to eat. OhhhGosh I wanna try Pasta de Gohan and the international pancake house beside it, but its expensive la. So I'm waiting for a day me and my mom are both free to go eat there.... unless ANYONE out there wants to GLADLY take me out and belanja me? Then we can be food critics together? Hehe let me know!
I decided I wanted to eat something breakfasty, eventhough it was like 1pm. And she wanted cheese. So we ate at Kim Gary's, she had the cheese rice with chicken and fruit milk and I had the sandwich with luncheon meat and iced coffee. Wai Yik met up with us while we were eating... ALONEE. That dude was supposed to bring his (hopefullyhot) friends, gahhh well he should have! So after we ate (and also during) we were competing for Kellie's LOVE. Eventhough I knew Kellie would choose me *ahem ahem*, I left her to be with him la. Audrey(Qi) met up with us. Attempted bra shopping (without kellie). Ahhh I wanted to buy one with the 20% Xixili discount card, but it doesn't apply to new arrivals. Grr desperately need a new bra. Once again, anyone out there wants to sponsor me? :DD
These are from the night before. Hey does everyone agree with me that this is a fat hippo? Kellie says it's a normal hippo cause all hippo's are fat. But I don't know, I still think its fat. Cause my theory is that you're not fat as long as your boobs are bigger than your stomach. So look at the hippo! His nose (which can be counted as his boobs) is bigger than his stomach!
Kellie had to go back home already, and she felt so bad that she didn't give me a manicure like we planned to last night. So me and Qi went back to her house for her to manicure and pedicure us. BYE Wai Yik! Muahahahhahahha.
Ohmygodd KELLIE IS FCUKING AWESOME. While Qi and me watching Get Smart, she was doing manicure&pedicure for me and a pedicure for Qi. Her poor back. Ahhh she's sooo awesome LAAA !!! My nails are now and clean, painted and awesome! LIKE HER! Well, the awesome part la... AND the clean! But I don't think she's painted.. o.o
I actually took some pictures of it but it doesn't look good. No, the nails are awesome! Just not the pictures. Hopefully I don't disappoint Kellie and can jaga her masterpiece for a long time T_T Will take the pics when I can (: Nexttime in the camwhore mood.
Ate dinner at her place, then my cousin picked us up. She then stopped at Carrefour to get something, and me and Qi got off to since there was a fleamarket or something going on. Clothes were nice and cheap! But couldn't try them on since no dressing room. But we COULD actually try it on. Soooooooo, we would both take turns and hide behind the other to try on the clothes XD It's a good thing I did too! The blue dress that I bought is awesome! It looks like it should be RM80 from a boutique but it's actually just
Slept at 6am and woke up at 4pm. Felt so fcuking blurr and lethargic. Went off to Qiqi's house and watched the ending of Blonde Ambition and the start of School for Scoundrels and ate the bisuits that I brought over, IKO (: Gaahh but the biscuits just made me more hungry, but I wanted to starve myself for dinner, cause If I had eaten when I woke up, I would eat again around 2am. But guess there was no point since I'm still hungry :S
Walked the dogs with her just now and we learnt that the reason why this stray dog kept barking at us whenever we went for our walks was cause SHE was protecting her puppies. Awww they were sooo cute! There was a black one, a greyish one and a brown one with a black tail! That one is my fave. Attempted to jog after that, but to no avail. So we just walked up to the park and talk. Danng I need to go Pyramid with her to buy some stuff soon.
Soo, rock climbing with Qi and Bianca confirmed on Tuesday. Trying to go for gym with Chai Leng on another day :/
Posted by katherine at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Of food, games and assholes ?
Haven't really been hanging out with Jack these few months. Sooo, since it's holidays, thought I would wake up and meet him up at Taylor's to hang out, he got an hour's break. But grr I woke up late so instead of walking, ran to met up with him. Ate at Face to Face, finally got to try the pan mee :P Then that stupid idiot, he asked if I could wait for an hour then he can come out again for an hour or two. I seriously wouldn't mind reading my book at Starbucks with my ipod for an hour, but he only told me when I met up with him and the book is at my house.
So I chilled at FTZ for an hour waiting for him. Hands were sooo itchy to play Call Of Duty but no way I'm gonna play ALONEE. So just chatted on msn and emails. Then for like a split second, I felt this loser watching me from behind, turned around and saw a skinny ass stick, then looked up and waddafcuk it was Aaron =.= Scared the shit outta me. Apparently he see's me at ac and ftz alot, he just never said hi? Haha. FINALLY an hour passed and Jack came back, trained my COD skills. Bahahahhaa after two hours walked back home cause he had to head back to class.
Met up with Villi and Reuben in Holiday villa, once again, I was late.. cause I couldn't find my badminton racket.. turns out it was at Jack's hse. And socks were missing... all of them o.o And I don't know where the hell my shoes are ever since the Batu Caves trip so I only have this one other sports shoe, that's ripped at the bottom. So only played badminton for awhile then went swimming. Ahhh it was fcuking cold laa T_T
After swimming, the boys showered at HolidayVilla and I walked back to my place to shower. Then met them outside (they parked outside my house) and drove to usj to eat dinner. Ohh, Reuben's car can supposedly fly, and though we were 'ready!', it never did lift off from the ground. Hahaa. We went to eat banana leaf as they kept going on and on about how they wanted to eat it while I had no idea what the hell banana leaf was, so i finally tried it.
Then they asked what would happen if they just gave me 5bucks and left me here, would I be able to get back home? I was like FCUK NO please don't leave me as I have NO IDEA where the hell I was T_T So when I put my leg up on my chair, Villi was like *sit properly*. Then I said *whaat, you my mother ahh* and went all *you my father ahh* to Reuben. Then he said goodluck finding your own way back home, so I sat properly and called him my father =.= Villi was supposed to share the banana leaf with me cause he already has dinner at home, but he didn't even help me finish it. So this is why he's skinny =.= The mountain of rice scared meeee, so ate everything but that. Was still hungry when I got back home. Zzz. They dropped me back home, watched tv and sleeppppt.
Something that will make you guys go WTF happened on Wednesday night when I was still awake around 3am... which resulted in me not being able to sleep as I was scared shitless. And since Chee Hui was up with me the whole night, he offered to meet up with me at AC at 8am. So waited and waited for the time to pass. Then occured to me that Jack goes to College(Taylors) at the same time so I woke him up and asked if I could walk with him there. Told him wtf happened, gahhhh.
Said bye and found Chee Hui at ac. Talked for abit then went to FTZ to screw with the time. Wanted to play COD but god, even with full house not much people play.. so waddaya think happens when the place is barely empty. So I tried CS for the 2nd time in my life, and Chee Hui attempted to teach me Dota but I was fcuking blurr so NOPE don't think so, blekk. Also played cho dai di online (my character's a noob and is naked) and compared our Cabal chars, but we couldn't even pvp cause different servers.
Jack had a break so he came in and played my com for abit, and when he starts playing other people starts playing. Was begging him to get off cause I wanted to finally play! So after waiting for a long time, his ass finally moved. Finally got to train my so called skills for awhile.
We then got really bored so got out and sat at AC again. Saw the spm'ers coming out to eat, aww I forgot they had exam. Anyways, I was fcuking blurr with my plans. Either meeting up with Villi at my house or Aaron at ac, but they both maybe'd me. I didn't wanna stay at ac any longer so I msged Aaron to fcuk himself and told him I was going home. It was 12pm at the time so I planned to talk with Chee Hui for awhile then walk home, but in the end talked for like 2HOURS o.o Haih whenever I talk with Chee Hui its always him telling me crap. HAHAHA.
Then suddenly skinny stick calls and asks me where I am. Daamn he looked fcuking tired? And I'M the one that didn't sleep the whole night. Why the fcuk he came eventhough he's tired and I SHOULD have been at home by then, cause he deleted my fcukyou message =.=
Said byeee to Chee Hui and played foosball with Aaron and Vincent. They were supposed to 'train' me and they kinda did, but only for awhile as it soon became a foosball competition between all the guys there o.o I was watching both of them playing against each other then suddenly they played against these two guys then suddenly they switched partners then suddenly another dude came along and another and another to fight against Aaron and Vincent till it came to the point where they didn't wanna play anymore and got kinda kicked out of the table we were playing? Hahahahha so whatever la, 3 of us went to FTZ but before that sat to eat. HAIH all the stores that I eat from weren't open, so I didn't eat.
Yeerrr one on one with Aaron in CS & he fcuking bullied me! No shame =.= Just sat there and laughed at me. Vincent wanted to play dota instead of cs, but he still thought me how to kick his butt which I eventually did many times. *HIGH FIVE Vincent !!* XDD Got tired of cs, so Aaron finally agreed to play COD with me. But wtffff he kicked my ass in cod also o.o But comeee onnnnn, I didn't sleep the whole night and day! I got excuse (:
Then 3 of us played cs together. Hahahhaha Vincent more pro in Foosball AND cs than Aaron. Lalalalalalallalala. So after shooting, dying, laughing, cursing and high fiving, they both wanted to go back and play Foosball against the spm'ers? Wtf was I gonna do, watch again ah? Haha so at 4.30pm said bye to them and walked back home. Almost got caught in the rain, good thing I brought my umbrella ^^
Walked pass my house to Qiqi's hse, I was still kinda freaked out to go back to my place. Told her what happened. I wanted to call her in the morning cause she would be awake getting ready for her school, but decided not to cause didn't wanna worry her as she's having exams. Realized that I didn't eat the WHOLE day so she fed me tofu. Took a 2hour nap then watched Lost with Jack. Ahhh Lost season 4 is just so annoying now, so complicated =.= They never did tell what happened to the polar bear. Finally went back home around 10pm.
Mom, bro, aunties, uncle and cousin were in the kitchen talking. My mom was kinda worried cause she came back from Cambodia in the afternoon (no choice) and was told that I was out of the house from 8am and she couldn't reach me cause my phone ran outta battery >< Talked and briefed about last nights incident while eating maggiemee. Was soo hungry T_T. Haihh really hope the same incident doesn't repeat tonight as it actually CAN happen. Gahh I love my dog Jacky so much. Without him that night, Haihhh can't even imagine what COULD have happened. From now on, Jacky is gonna sleep in my room every single night!!!!
Posted by katherine at 11:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
The days just flew by, sighh.
2nd last day of school. BOOOOO ! Was just looking forward to Talent Time. I was wondering what I was going to do the whole time before that as it only starts around the last few hours of school. Thankgod there was a football match between form 4's and some juniors. Stayed at the canteen, then up to Tif's class for awhile, then canteen once more. *camwhore attack*___________________________________________________
Then it was last day of school, 100x MORE BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! Stayed in canteen, couldn't give a fcuk about lessons... eventhough I was planning to go for double Bio but didn't in the end. Played cards in the canteen, 5x cho dai di queen and 2x speed queen! Sorry you couldn't avenge Adriz, Zhi Lynn! Hahaa everyone said I played so ganas.. Can't help it laaa, scared I lose :X Also learnt how to play bluff, stupidnyaaaaaa :DThen we had to go for this unexpected bra talk... the third one I'm sitting. But so far this was the best, learnt alot of... scary things T_T I fcuking need a bra, BRA SHOPPING KAY GIRLS! After the session we went to get our boobs measured, woah all of us from a B cup to a C cup... how caaan? I don't think they did it right =.= But overall the talk was still good, WE WOOOONNN a game! 6 groups that consist of 6 people (me, tiff, zhi, kellie, natalie, amanda) had to go up on stage and given 2 bra's and a shirt. We had to choose the right bra which goes with the shirt and put it on a mannequin, and then a representative(GOO Natalie!) would talk abt why we chose it. It was then a tie between Group 3 and Group 5 ( we were the last group but one group kinda went missing) so we had to talk again abt who's the best. So everyone told me to take the mike and say something, eventhough I was kinda just projecting what they were saying...
With the other bra, if you bent down, able to see it.....
This is sexy
Enhance boobs
Strap is nice
Compliments skin tone
Annndddd..... It gives off an HOURGLASS BODY XD
Hahahahha last one was mine. Cause at the beginning they kept going on and on if we believed that with the right bra size, you are able to gain an hourglass body which is like a PERFECT body shape e.g curves. Soooo, because of what we said, the people that gave the talk said that we deserved it as we showed that we were really listening to them. Owh, they were to judge the winners by the audience giving the loudest clap. THANKS everyone !!Because we won, we each got either an umbrella or a box. I got the box (:
Awww, and they gave everyone a gift bag which consists of a calendar, a free panty, a fancy bra strap and a 20% discount card at Pyramid's Xixili boutique.
But haihhh, I was sooo depressed when school finished. It seemed just like yesterday that I was so excited on MY first day of school this year, when I came back from Australia... that was like around 9/10 months ago. Wow ..... time passes by so fast. Before you know it holidays over, me and my dear friends are gonna move up to Form 5, seating for our SPM and O levels, graduating, prom, college, then off to opposite sides of the world... haihh. And while the rest of the world knows what courses or field of work they want to go for, I have absoulutely no fcuking clue. Haihh I hope I can atleast figure out while doing my A levels. Depressed :/
But now I'm trying to not think about all that. Hoping that I can keep myself busy during hols. Tiffany is like working 24/7 so I can't hang out with her >;( Hoping to be busy with rock climbing, dance lessons, guitar lessons, cooking lessons and attempting to learn songs on youtube. But no one is able to or interested in dance class and I REALLLYYY want to go! Ohh, not doing dance at Aurora anymore. Not even the hiphop workshop, as its only in March.
Want to enroll in Living Arts Studio(dance class), anyone interested with me?
And anyone can intro me to any good guitar teachers/shops that give lessons?
Anyone that wants to join me for rock climbing with Bianca and maybe Qiqi is glad to join.
I'm planning on taking the one time cooking class with the Gourmet food fair thing, but anyone that has any in mind please let me know.
And yes, ANYONE that can hang out during hols, CALL ME !
Posted by katherine at 4:24 PM 0 comments