Woke up late to meet Bianca at her place for tennis class and badminton. But got ready fast and could have actually left in time... if my mom had kept her promise to wake up and send me! My auntie was in the house at the time so I asked her to send me but gosh, should have just taken a taxi. She took me to all sorts of places except Bianca's place. Ahh I almost had a heart attack, no need to talk about it. So I got to her place an hour late, missing the tennis class. So we just played badminton then met up with Raymond at the Sunway Club cafe to eat. Then went back to her apartment to check out her dogs. Ohmygodd her one puppy is fking cute, tiny and fluffy! I forgot what his name is but doesn't matter, he shall always be BB to me (littleblackball). He is seriously TINY. You can just step on him or strangle him. HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA o.o"'''
Mom finally woke up to pick me up, gaaahh she said I got fatter.. I KNEW IT ! People have been saying that I got fatter/wider =.= If it wasn't for the incidents at asicafe that day (weeeeee) I would have been locking myself in my room, starving to death, afraid to gaze upon the rays of the sun and listening to sad music to add to the effect that my life sucks. So... good thing eh?Went to Kellie's place to sleepover, told her about what's up with me and she told me what's up with her .... there's a name for that.. ohyea, talking! *lame* Though I felt like I was gonna fall asleep cause of the long day I had. I was... tired. Hehe. But in the end, SHE fell asleep while we were watching Friends on dvd. Grrr. And I didn't feel tired at that point anymore so I just kept on watching. Then when I wanted to sleep, SHE woke up o.o""' Did some stupid shit for awhile and I left her to do the stupid shit by herself. cause I wanted to sleep.. Woi, what happened to Ho's over Bro's yo?
Kellie rudely awakened me cause she wanted to go eat at Pyramid. Waah, I'm the first to sleep but last to wake up, but she cheated okay, remember she slept before that. Grrr why couldn't she leave me to my beauty sleep =.= So got ready and left the house for Pyramid. Walked around to check out what to eat. OhhhGosh I wanna try Pasta de Gohan and the international pancake house beside it, but its expensive la. So I'm waiting for a day me and my mom are both free to go eat there.... unless ANYONE out there wants to GLADLY take me out and belanja me? Then we can be food critics together? Hehe let me know!
I decided I wanted to eat something breakfasty, eventhough it was like 1pm. And she wanted cheese. So we ate at Kim Gary's, she had the cheese rice with chicken and fruit milk and I had the sandwich with luncheon meat and iced coffee. Wai Yik met up with us while we were eating... ALONEE. That dude was supposed to bring his (hopefullyhot) friends, gahhh well he should have! So after we ate (and also during) we were competing for Kellie's LOVE. Eventhough I knew Kellie would choose me *ahem ahem*, I left her to be with him la. Audrey(Qi) met up with us. Attempted bra shopping (without kellie). Ahhh I wanted to buy one with the 20% Xixili discount card, but it doesn't apply to new arrivals. Grr desperately need a new bra. Once again, anyone out there wants to sponsor me? :DD
These are from the night before. Hey does everyone agree with me that this is a fat hippo? Kellie says it's a normal hippo cause all hippo's are fat. But I don't know, I still think its fat. Cause my theory is that you're not fat as long as your boobs are bigger than your stomach. So look at the hippo! His nose (which can be counted as his boobs) is bigger than his stomach!
Kellie had to go back home already, and she felt so bad that she didn't give me a manicure like we planned to last night. So me and Qi went back to her house for her to manicure and pedicure us. BYE Wai Yik! Muahahahhahahha.
Ohmygodd KELLIE IS FCUKING AWESOME. While Qi and me watching Get Smart, she was doing manicure&pedicure for me and a pedicure for Qi. Her poor back. Ahhh she's sooo awesome LAAA !!! My nails are now and clean, painted and awesome! LIKE HER! Well, the awesome part la... AND the clean! But I don't think she's painted.. o.o
I actually took some pictures of it but it doesn't look good. No, the nails are awesome! Just not the pictures. Hopefully I don't disappoint Kellie and can jaga her masterpiece for a long time T_T Will take the pics when I can (: Nexttime in the camwhore mood.
Ate dinner at her place, then my cousin picked us up. She then stopped at Carrefour to get something, and me and Qi got off to since there was a fleamarket or something going on. Clothes were nice and cheap! But couldn't try them on since no dressing room. But we COULD actually try it on. Soooooooo, we would both take turns and hide behind the other to try on the clothes XD It's a good thing I did too! The blue dress that I bought is awesome! It looks like it should be RM80 from a boutique but it's actually just
Slept at 6am and woke up at 4pm. Felt so fcuking blurr and lethargic. Went off to Qiqi's house and watched the ending of Blonde Ambition and the start of School for Scoundrels and ate the bisuits that I brought over, IKO (: Gaahh but the biscuits just made me more hungry, but I wanted to starve myself for dinner, cause If I had eaten when I woke up, I would eat again around 2am. But guess there was no point since I'm still hungry :S
Walked the dogs with her just now and we learnt that the reason why this stray dog kept barking at us whenever we went for our walks was cause SHE was protecting her puppies. Awww they were sooo cute! There was a black one, a greyish one and a brown one with a black tail! That one is my fave. Attempted to jog after that, but to no avail. So we just walked up to the park and talk. Danng I need to go Pyramid with her to buy some stuff soon.
Soo, rock climbing with Qi and Bianca confirmed on Tuesday. Trying to go for gym with Chai Leng on another day :/
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