Watched Bedtime Stories last night. I liked it!Freaking adorable guinea pig. Bugsy!!!!!
Lovelovelove Adam Sandler movies.
Realized yesterday. People have been coming to my house everynight so far, including tonight. Eat my food, drop my laptop, sleep on my bed. Haha nola, I like sharing my food la okay (: But I don't like people dropping my laptop ofcourse =.=
I am really hoping for an unforgettable beautiful New Years Eve/Day, meaning at 12am.
Drinks and fireworks, you give me that, I'll go to the ends of the Earth for you.
Well I don't mind waiting 'til you're comfortable with me
But what's it gonna take to prove that I'm for real?
'Cause you know how I feel about you
You know I can't live without you
I just wanna stay and make it real
I just wanna feel you tonight
making sure the moment's just right
I could die just staring in your eyes
I just wanna feel your heartbeat
hold you even closer to me
Fall asleep with you right by my side
We'll see fireworks tonight
Muacks to you ♥
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A girl who just wants to live life and has licked it.
Posted by katherine at 3:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Why do I keep sleeping in the morning? Hehe
So I didn't do anything on Christmas day other than thunbmaster the night before(previous posts). Just stayed in my room. But at night SiewLee, Zhiji, Reuben and Jovi came over, after 12am so yeah I was alone for Christmas. Hanged out, watched WildChild and then Saw 2. Scaryy T___T Jovi had to go back arnd 4am, the rest slept over. Apparently it was possible to squeeze 4ppl on my bed. They went back home around 4pm.
Didn't sleep the whole of Friday night, 3 of them chilled at my house again, with Audrey(Qiqi) too. Watched Saw 3. Bah 2nd was scarier. Waving them bye otside my house arnd 7am unexpectedly turned into all of us going for A&W for breakfast to sending Zhiji off at the stadium in Shah Alam. Stupid NS :/ I'll try to get you your virtual rock band(somehow o.o), sorry again I couldn't get you the guitar that night T__T
So freaking hot, when I finally got back home around 11am from a night and day of being sleep-deprived, showered, onlined, got ditched, watched tv and slept till 7pm. Was planning on staying in my room again but unexpectedly went out with Serena and Reuben to Hartama's. Was supposed to play pool but in the end got some drinks at Hana, then supposed to go karaoke but not worth it la. Went to the mamak at SS2 to eat, bought some dvd's to go back to my place to watch. Didn't even finish the scary jap movie cause it was boring. I didn't really care for Bangkok Dangerous. And Reuben did something so fcuking hilarious, just cannot wait to tell everyone, soon the time will come >;D
7.07am now, not sleepy, but gonna force myself to sleep. Might as well too since I got ditched, again. Well, atleast he stuck up to the '7am only I go sleep' promise. Need to sleep for tomorrow as well, nights morning sunshines !
Posted by katherine at 6:49 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
If I never see you again, it would be too soon
HUH? Why can't you just leave me alone? I am CLEARLY running away from you, you just SAID it yourself. YOU go YOUR way and I'll go MY way and everything will be just peachy! But NO, you have to keep chasing and chasing and fcuking chasing me!??? IT IS FCUKING CLEAR YOU AND ESPECIALLY THAT BITCH ARE THE LAST TWO PEOPLE I WANT TO SEE. It's BAD enough I have to look at you two together but WHAT? You HAVE to keep coming at me? To what? FLAUNT two of you at me isit? I already left you guys alone right? I already gave you what YOU FCUKING TOOK FROM ME, I GAVE YOU HIM!! (It wasn't even more like give, it was more like YOU kept PECKING and pecking and pecking at us) And UNLIKE YOU, I left YOU TWO alone. So can you just fcuking leave me alone? YOU, you skinny white piece of trash, are the LAST person I want to see, ever. FCUKINGSERIOUSLY. If I ran away from you guys ONCE then fine, you can TRYYYY to chase me again, BUT I RAN AWAY FCUKIN 3 or 4 TIMES? CLEARLY shows I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR FCUKING FACE. And WHAT? When you finally did catch up to me and I was tired of doing this stupid charade of running away from your faces, all SHE can do is say HI? WTF? I don't GIVE A FCUK what SHE has to say. I give a fcuk about what YOU have to say you stupid asshole! What was the fcuking point of chasing me if you weren't even gonna say ANYTHING? So it's really true la, you just want to fcuking flaunt her infront of me? CONGRATULATIONS you fcuking idiot.
All I wanted was to have a nice run, yeah, I HAVE been gaining weight, I do not deny it. So I finally have the TIME and strenght to just have a nice jog around my neighbourhood, but NO YOU have to RUIN THAT TOO. You're already fcuking skinny, so what, I can't be skinny too isit? I see you, so I have to run back home? NO. It is MY neighbourhood, so I just turned around, and tried to keep my distance. Everything will be OKAY. BUT NOOOO you fcuking piece of shits, had to show your faces at me. SO FINE, I'LL GO BACK HOME. YOU HAPPY NOW????? LET ME BE FAT IN MY STUPID HSE OKAY??
To THINK that I actually wanted to say 'sorry' to you. No, things can never be the same again. But ATLEAST we could have been acquaintaces, say hi and bye and how's your day. But that's the farthest thing from my mind right now, unless you have the fcuking balls to do something about it. Idiot.
I don't know if you two are together or if you're not or WHATEVER. I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW(cause it'll just mean that our whole relationship was a lie), I DO NOT WANT TO CARE. Please, no fucking need for explanations cause I can't bear to hear your stupid name every single day. Yeah, go steal my best friend too, cause your good at stealing everything I care about right? Hope you have a sucky life.
Bitch, YOU win HANDS DOWN. YOU are the ABSOLUTE LAST person I want to see, if I never see you again, it would be too soon.
To YOU, what? You think I'm such a bitch now. Well go, choose her over me, ohwait, too late! Stop fcuking asking me 'why can't you two be friends'. OMYGOD. YOU always ask me WHY and it always ends up in me TELLING you EVERYTHING in TEARS. How many times did I had to tell you till you understand why I fcuking Hate her? 6, 7 times NOT ENOUGH? And you STILL don't understand. Like I said last time, I'm TIRED of proving to you why I hate her. So whatever, think that I'm the bitch, go ahead. I don't need to explain myself to you anymore, cause you have such a thick head, nothing gets through. No, I didn't use secret messages, didn't use subtle hints. I told you DIRECTLY why I hate her, the many many reasons and you FORGOT apparently? Impossible.
You annoy and annoy and annoy me and everyone has told me to fcuking stay away from you. But yes, I do have a soft spot for you. But there is a fcuking limit. Ohmygod I must be stupid and crazy. Skinny white bitch, fcuking stay away from me please?
Haih, okay I'm starting to chill.... But yeah, everything I said here is the absolute truth. But I do feel bad for posting it up here for whoever to see. Bahh ohwell, I'll delete this when I feel like it. And if I do, it is not because I take it back, it's because I just feel that it is mean to bitch on blogs as I have described too much about that bitch and it is obviously her.
Still, absolute truth.
Sorry so much for the language, yeah I am aware I say "fcuk" alot in my blog, but this is too much. Just understand that I was really really pissed. Sorry ><
Posted by katherine at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas babehs
Merry Christmas everyone!
Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas eve/Christmas.
Woke up at 3pm, walked Jacky, bathed him(finally), had a nice long chat with my mom, jogged(one round), saw Qiqi so walked together with her, and something so what the fcuk happened. Scariest shit I saw in my life happening right in front of me. I really don't know if I should blame myself or not, but I DO feel guilty. I'm so sorry Qiqi, I really am. If only I held on a little bit longer. T___________________T
So, because of that, I was late for Kellie's Xmas Eve party(apparently, I'm ALWAYS fashionably late for everything?). Had fun finally catching up with Kellie, Wai Yik, Chai Leng and Chen Ji. And also seeing Daniel Loo again, haha first time finally actually talking with him. And Chen Ji's little brother. He calls me JieJie, awwww (:
Ate soo fcuking much at the party(as usual, that's why mom's love me. Cause I always help finish the party food). God, everyone kept judging me. I can't help it that it looked liked a mountain T___T Kellie's dad was cool, and quite a smartass. He kept topping up my glass with whiskey and took a picture of me cause he was scared I would go 'missing' the next day. =.="' He himself didn't even drink, hmm?
And my slipper broke T____T
Note to self: Buy new slipper, or receive slippers for xmas, PLEASE?
Then Reuben picked me up, played thumbmaster in my kitchen with him, Shawn, Jovi and Wai Yik joined us a little later.
Hope I can see Kellie tomorrow at her place (((:
Btw, I got my teddybear back from Genting. Weeeeee :D
Merry xmas again lovers !
And If I was blessed with that one Christmas wish,
I would wish that you were right here,
beside me :/
Posted by katherine at 5:41 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
trash the room, cause we can
Spent my Saturday, Sunday and Monday at Genting Highlands, (yea, genting.. again) =DExplored, played mahjong, jumped on beds, talked and ate at that chinese restaurant(same one where I got Guang Liang's autograph). Then walked around FirstWorld and went for that SuperTrio show at Arena of Stars. It was sooo boring, maybe if I understood what they were saying but still, what kind of gameshow is just people talking and talking and talking. Though the BruceLee sketch was funny, the little boys were sooo cute !
Quick stop back to the penthouse then went to Safari. Got two bottles of Bacardi Apple. Finished one and a half of it in Safari. Danced the whole night away with Siew Lee(such a good dancer!), Zhiji, Reuben(not for long as he then went missing, found him sleeping at the other side) and Serena, camwhored. Danced with a random stranger, why couldn't he be hot? LOL. Then my mom dropped by for awhile from the casino then went back up again. The pic above is proof that I danced with my mom! Hahaha, she's always wanted to dance with me and the day where I was finally high enough to dance with my mother has come. The pic though, is fcuking fugly of me and the photoshop has failed, but still, I got to dance with my mom in Safari (:
After Safari, went to the convinience store and stocked up on maggiemee. Reuben headed straight for the bed and Zhiji, Siew Lee and me ate our maggiemee's. I had a MAJOR craving for cheesywedges from KFC. I told(more like screamed) at Serena's friend Ben to buy me cheesywedges but he wouldn't get it, I told him I will remember it but he didn't believe and thats why he didn't get it, but I DID remember it! Think I'm drunk isit, ofcourse not, just high. So they didn't wanna get it, and they left for the casino. I called my mom and Serena but nooo, they can't get it. So I gave Zhiji and Siew Lee some money and pushed them out the door to get me my cheesywedges. But when they came back I was snoozing away ><
Woke up around 6am and they both were about to sleep. Saw Nicky in the livingroom(haven't seen him in ages!), chatted with him which woke Reuben up cause he was sleeping on the couch. We heated up the cheesywedges and pigged out on it, Mr.Potato, ChipsMore, coleslaw and finished the remaining Bacardi Apple. Soon, Nicky and Serena's friends came by and there we were, drinking beer and chatting with a bunch of OLD people(haha, nola, 27,28 not that old). Learnt about how older girls are smarter than younger girls not cause they are more difficult to get into bed with but because they want either commitment or expensive stuff, on the other hand the younger girls ask for Guess not Gucci and the even younger girls ask for Roxy. LOL. They were quite fun to hang out and talk with, didn't treat me like a fcuking 16year old(: After going down to the convenience store to stock up and flashed the camera in the lift, slept around 10, 11am? Thanks for cleaning up the table cause the stupid housekeeping didn't! Well, atleast they cleaned the billions of chips and peanuts on the bed and floor. Okay they chips were my fault cause I kept stuffing them into people's mouths, but I didn't do anything with the peanuts!
This lovely heater in the shape of a fireplace kept us warm (:
So woke up, went to Sushi King to eat (was craving for sushi last night, and spicyfood, and crab, but whatever) While eating, decided to stay another night. Slack whole day, played poker. Then walked around FirstWorld to look for something to eat, in the end ordered roomservice and pizza. Played thumbmaster(awesome drinkinggame, though we weren't in the mood to drink so we played with water but Nicky, Wendy and Serena played with beer), watched transformers, gayed around in the toilet and as you can see, kissed and gangbanged little bears purchased from the convinience store the other night!Best karaoke session ever! Screamed our lungs off to awesome songs. Cartoon Heroes and YMCA was the funnest ^.^V After about 3hours of eating keropok, nuts, singing, dancing and laughing, played pool for awhile and walked around aimlessly. Boys took off their tops at 4am in the morning and ran around at the fountain =.="' Don't worry, it wasn't even that cold. Watched transformers again, and got ready for bed. Pillow-talked and fell asleep, hugging my bear the whole night.
Soo, I left the bear at the room >< But I called hotelservice to keep it for me till I can collect it. Anyways, woke up and headed straight for Subang to beat the traffic. Mom dropped us off at the mamak up my street. Walked back to my house and they explored my room. They took a cab back but met up with them again few hours later for swimming and badminton at Holiday Villa, this time with Audrey(Qiqi). Siew Lee showed us how to play like a bimbo, hehe. Showered at my house and Zhiji and Siew Lee made us a 30minute meal! Awww, thanks so much. Soup and spagetthi was deelish!
Played truth or dare in the kitchen! Let's see
sniff butt, *omg I'm fat*, kiss, touch tongues, ice in bra, lapdance, hump, horny prank calls, poledance, eat dogfood and tablespoons of salt, demonstrate how to lick a vagina and blowjob.
Just to name a few
Such an exhausting weekend and monday, after they left around 3.30am, ahh, slept like a baby.If only you knew...
Posted by katherine at 7:37 PM 0 comments