I just woke up babehs, from
going pubbing with my cousin, my brother, his friend and my mom.
hahahahahahahahahahaha I find it so hilarious and cute, such a weird combination (((((((:
So after eating steamboat for dinner around ac there, went to my cousin's friend's bar with them, Hana. Ehh, I like the fried prawns and teriyaki there xO
Waaaah, like ALL MY FRIENDS SAY (and everyone that has met her), my mom is so COOL. Hahahaha she's just friends with everyone. We walk into the pub, first thing that happens is one of the guys comes up to her and screams AUNTIIIIIEEEE. LOL if I'm not mistaken cause I can't really remember :S . Then my mom screams and shimmies back his name. The people at the table all know my mother cause they're my cousin Serena's friend, and he keeps coming to our table to mingle with my mom, hahahha wo de mama DA BOMB o.o
I drank soo much, but was kinda scared to get high cause of my mom.
LOOL damn cutee laaa. She was trying to dance with me, i humour her abit la don't worry. I not so baddd waaan. I LOVE YOU TOO MOMMY :D
But I expected it already, ofcourse wert. She drank my brother's, Jin's and my GRAVEYARD.
Yayyyyy, I finally got to try graveyard. Thanks to CheeHui for talking non-stop abt it! 8D kawan baiiiikk! Ehh cool you know, kena one guy gimme wide eye look and thumbs up. My mom also ask sure ahh, cause its strong and heck yeaa it was. It was sooo cool looking, only cause the straw was in the shape of a cross. Seriously graveyard ah? xO
So she took some sips of mine, and drank the rest of the guys cause they didn't like it.
Fcuuk, drank
- Don't know how many cups of beer (they just kept re-filling it) [ but can't compare to my brother maaaaan! WOOOO, beerman!]
- Graveyard (my mom took some la)
- One tequila shot

It looked liked this, got it from google.
I shall get the pictures and recordings of MY flaming lamborghini from Serena and the korean :DD AYO I LIKE KOREANS LAAAA *KOREAN's ARE DA BEST* hahahhahahhaha inside joke ^^ Hopefully koreans are good photographers (: EHH it is SO cool to have a korean friend, can keep making jokes about him being korean. Hehe. but HE started it la, can't help it he himself so proud of being korean, thats his excuse for everything LOL. So I join him also laaa ;D
Jeeeeez same thing happened from last time, I didn't get highh... just tipsy which later at home became everything spinning. Why ah? I thought everything happy happy first? Was it cause I was scared to get high cause of my mom (but should have JOINED HER :D) ? Is it considered as drunk though I can remember everything? Waaah I sangat jakun, must ask wo de mama when she wake up. Right now don't think anyone is awake. I KO-ed when I reached my bed, then woke up feeling MUCH better around 6.30am. Now its... 7.30am, daaang. Don't know if I should stay up or go to bed.
Such a funny night, hehe. So yayy I got to celebrate my birthday. But I was hoping to go out the night before my birthday, ZOMG WHICH IS TONIGHT.
I want to go out tonight for countdown, or do something nice. Anyone wanna take me? *hahaha that sound wrong*
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